800+ reads?! WHAT! Eligible for Wattys award?!

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Hello! I am making this to announce about something so unbelievable! But before I go to that point, I would like to thank all of you so soo much for the progression of this book! I cannot believe how much reads it has after the months and man am I so thankful!

The next part is that, yes, this book is eligible to receive a wattys award! And it's all thanks to all of you that this book was recognized! I just ask for y'alls loving support and prayers that this book would have a chance, but if not than I will still be grateful no matter what happens q(≧▽≦q)!

And lastly, I am still here, smiling whenever I see my notifications mention whoever adds this book to their reading list and gosh it makes me cry all over again! To those new to this book, please don't hesitate to comment your thoughts, feedback and most of all how much you love each of the chapters! (just no hate comments please, keep those to yourselves TwT thankyou!).

I am ever so glad to write this book and got waitlisted! This book will have a series with more books to come! (I just wish it won't bombard me too much hahaha and also get in the way of school). Anyways, I again thank all of you for your support and love for this book! 

Mwah mwah from author-san <33

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