-Villains vs. Villains?!-

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No One's POV:

That night, Midoriya and his team slept through the night and woke up early to finally get their answers. They ate breakfast and then straight they went to Houzou's office.

"Sir we would like to speak with you and Fumiko-san" Midoriya said as he puffed his cheeks and it brought a smile up to Houzou's face.

"Don't rush shounen Fumiko's on her way but I can entertain your questions" Houzou said and Midoriya nodded and so did the rest.

"Sir we might think that Akemi is still in the clutches of the villains hands" Todoroki said which darkened Houzou's complexion.

"I see.. do you know their location? The villains?" Houzou asked and Bakugou brought out his investigation board, the board upgraded over the past few days but it were mostly photographs and some small notes.

"This here in the middle of these two trees is where Toru saw the wispy portal" Bakugou pointed and Houzou studied it.

"So you say that the lair is through that portal?" Houzou asks and the four nod their head in response. Houzou continues to look at the picture and sees a blurred figure.

"Was this there when you took the picture?" the four immediately turn their heads back to the picture and sees what Houzou saw.

"Shit! Why didn't I see this?!" Bakugou exclaimed as he ran his hand down his face.

"No, we all didn't see it" Todoroki added. The group was silent not until a huge bang was made just outside the hotel.

Kitsuki's POV:


I shocked my crew, I didn't expect myself to say something so deep and burdening. Well nowadays we will be experiencing lots of burdens and we have to prepare for them. After what I said my crew didn't speak, they were too shocked and I don't blame them. I waited for a few minutes for them to calm down and take in what I said.

"...that's what the bastard's doing huh" Senyu spoke first and I looked at him giving him a slow nod.

"Yes... and there might be a-"

"A war because of it" we all jolted our heads as we saw Shigaraki enter the room. I haven't seen him, the last time was when I was grabbed by AFO to talk to me, he looked different. He had longer hair, his eyes were more sunken as if he didn't get any sleep at all, his lips were more dry like he hasn't drank any water and he looked thinner. But what caught my attention was the bandage around his chest.

"Shigaraki... what do you mean?" I asked as I saw him go inside, Dabi followed behind him.

"I've been investigating on my own and even got into a fight doing so, I have been stuck in my room with the Doc to get answers and AFO's schemes" Shigaraki explained.

"What exactly are his plans? What does he want to do with Jurou?" Kocho asked with a demanding tone, I could tell how much desperate she is.

"He wants to destroy us... he wants..." Shigaraki was hesitating, he scratched the cock of his neck vigorously.

"AFO has made Jurou his puppet in order to break your crew and to torture us" Dabi set his eyes on me, I can't believe he was the one to deliver such message. Break my crew? Torture them? WHAT THE HELL!? Tears started to form in my eyes again but I was feeling sad and both angry.

"WHY?! Why the hell does he want to do with you?! It's not your fault anyways" I softened my tone with the last sentence.

"AFO despises you... Kitty but we don't" Shigaraki was now beside me as I heard his voice so near me.

i HATE everything about you (bakugou's sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now