-What the... HELL?!-

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Dabi's POV:

As I walked out of her room, I shoved my hands inside my pockets and proceeded toward Garaki's office. I didn't hesitate and immediately burst in.

"Ah Dabi" he said as I went in the room, leaned on the wall and intently glared at him.

"Spare me with your nonsense and get to the point" I demanded, he scoffed as he turned his chair and placed his elbows down at the desk in front of him.

"Fine fine... Kitsuki has the strength to be transferred back to Musutafu in order for her to get proper treatment and the blood donation. To be more specific the poison on the blade didn't strike her indirectly but it's because of her connection with the clone the poison immediately went into her bloodstream, though it's slowly traveling" Garaki explained, I stayed silent and gazed down the floor then to some area around the room.

"When will she transfer?" I asked.

"Tonight, but you can't accompany her in broad daylight" Garaki explained, inside I felt a sting in my chest as Garaki said those words but I didn't show.

"Right... I'll get on with it then" I said as I left the room.

 Katsuki's POV:



As I yelled internally, the two lovebirds ran off right after the questioning and it pissed me off great time since I'm left here... with my parents, whom I don't want to be with at the moment!

"Right, Sir you're parents are right outside and I'll let them in once I got all the files" the sergeant said as he sent another officer to fetch my parents. I sat still in my chair, not eyeing at the door and jus expected a yell and a smack anytime soon from the damn hag.

"KATSUKI BAKUGOU!! HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME OF YOUR NEWS AND WHEREABOUTS!!!" and I knew it... the monster arrived, I only glared at her which caused her to burst even more and smacked me right in the nape area.

"DAMN YOU HAG WE'RE IN THE FREAKING POLICE STATION!!" I yelled back as I violently got up my seat and she jus continued scolding me and of course I would fight back.

"S-Sorry about them really" I heard my damned dad whimper in the background, I didn't focus on him but when the sergeant went in between us, I swore not to laugh since the hag immediately shut up.

"Ahem, so I got the copy of the original files since the original are with the police station in Musutafu" the sergeant said as he fixed the files in front of him. My eyes averted directly to the file behind hand freak's file causing me to widen them and became impatient. Right before the sergeant could tell us the contents of the records, I did the unexpected. I aggressively climbed onto the table, prevented the sergeant to react and with my free hand I threatened the other officers around me. My right arm was restraining the sergeant and my right hand was directly near his face.

"KATSUKI!! STOP THIS AT ONCE!" the hag demanded but I ignored her and glared at the sergeant.

"Sergeant sergeant... you may be in a high position but I don't give a damn... you see I've been impatient and angered my WHOLE GOD DAMN LIFE! Worrying and raging at my DAMN FUCKING SISTER WHO RUINED EVERYTHING!!" I yelled as I intently looked at him. I grit my teeth but I didn't do anything else... except for the fact that my palms were igniting.

"...Sir what you are doing is against everything here in the station!" his voice raised which caused me to let go of him but I still stayed squatted on top of the table.

"I see and know how much you feel.. as you've expressed them quite aggressively-"

"You wasted your time interviewing me and got nothing but my idiotic rant" I said lowering my head, I did it to distract the sergeant and quickly stole the copy file. Heh I smirk at my act since I know how to not really "steal" per se but to swoop things and keep them... ahem anyway.

i HATE everything about you (bakugou's sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now