-Steal or not?-

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Kitsuki's POV:

After my escapade and my no reason sobs I still stayed in the restroom thinking about how Katsuki knew my name. I did say to the whole class that my name's Kit and not Kitsuki... though it is obvious.. Argh another flashback!

"Heyy Kit stop running you might get lost!" Katsuki scolded chasing Kitsuki

"Ha? Eh you calling me Kit?" Kitsuki asked as she approached Katsuki who looked embarrassed but angered. Kitsuki giggled seeing Katsuki's embarrassed expression.

"Yeah, have a problem with that twit?!" he asked, still blushing and Kitsuki just laughed and hugged him. Katsuki didn't react.

"Okay! Then I'll call you Kat! Then when mom calls us it'll be Kit Kat! Hehe" Kitsuki said cheerfully, Katsuki looked confused.

"Why is your name first?! I'm older than you by a second!" Katsuki said, puffing his cheeks.

"Check again dummy, it's merely by a second and it won't make sense if it's Kat Kit" Kitsuki scolded Katsuki but in a teasing manner, Katsuki was red now so he chased Kitsuki until he slipped and stumbled on Kitsuki. Both of them laughed and giggled.

"You wanted it Kit Kat because it's your favorite chocolate right?" Katsuki asked and Kitsuki nodded, Katsuki pulled out a four bar kit kat chocolate out of his pocket. Kitsuki gasped at the sight and grabbed it, opened it, gave the two to Katsuki and the other two for her. They laughed, ate and continued playing.

"Haggh" I grunted, rubbing my head in the process.

"He possibly remembered the same flashback.." I said, fisting the concrete in result tearing up again. When I heard the door swing open, I immediately wiped the tears, fixed my gloomy face since it was Toru-chan who entered.

"Hey" she said closing the door behind her, I waved at her sadly.

"What happened back there?" she asked with concern, I shook my head signaling that it's nothing for her to worry about.

"I-It's nothing" I lied even if there was something. 

"Hm I think Kat likes you" she said approaching me, I jolted my head and widened my eyes. How could she say that speculation like nothing off happened and how can she say that that act was showing 'likeness' if it was pure hatred??! Though I didn't show my reaction, I kept cool. I also was uncomfortable with her calling him Kat.

"A-Ano Toru-chan why are you calling him Kat?" I asked and she immediately jumped, rubbing her nape nervously.

"A-Ah i-it's not.. in any way like that" she said, I just laughed then looked at my reflection in the mirror. 

"See, someone in his life called him that..." it was silent for awhile, then Toru-chan sighed.

"I'll be going back to the dorms. Where's the rest?" I asked, swaying the silence away.

"Oh do you need someone to accompany you?" she offered and I shook my head.

"As for the rest, some remained to do their assignments and some decided to train," she replied. I acknowledged her reply and headed my way to the door.

"Kit-chan I'll be training will you be okay?" Toru-chan asked following behind me.

"Yeah, I'll be getting my costume on the way" I said going out the restroom, with Toru-chan following. I went the opposite direction while she went the other way, I walked and walked until I could see the metal doors. I knocked and waited for a reply, gladly it was opened and no flying object came at me. 

i HATE everything about you (bakugou's sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now