Shower Curtains, Movies and Cuddles (BoKuroDai)

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„You sure you don't wanna come?" Daichi stood in the doorway, halfway out. „It's gonna be a chill movie night. And we have popcorn."

Suga, his roommate, didn't look up from whatever book he was reading. "You have to stop using me to get out of awkward situations when Bokuto and Kuroo eat each other up", he said with a straight face.

Daichi's face dropped. "I-", he began, but Suga interrupted him. "Oh, by the way, when are you planning to tell them about your massive crush on them?"

"Suga!", Daichi exclaimed, his face turning red. "I don't have massive a crush on them, their my friends."

"Mhm", Suga made. "I'm your best friend and you don't try to be as close as possible to me, or look like you want to attack me with kisses at any given moment." He closed his book with a snap and looked at Daichi with a grin. "Oh and you don't get all flustered when you see me half naked."

Daichi grabbed the pen, he found in his pockets and threw it at Suga, who squeaked in surprise and tried to duck away.

"I'm assuming that is your way of telling me you don't want to come with me."

"You're completely right. It's the perfect weather to read and I don't want to intervene with your..." He paused for a moment. "Coupely things."

"I hate you", Daichi stated and went to the hallway to get his jacket.

"You don't", Suga shouted after him. "And take an umbrella with you, it's raining!"

"It's not raining!", Daichi shouted back. "And it's just a few hundred meters anyway."

"Don't complain to me when you get wet later. And have fun. And tell them about your crush, it's long overdue."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Daichi opened the door and with a "Bye", he left their appartement and ran down the stairs. He opened the big entrance door and for a moment he stood there staring into the sudden rain, Suga's words playing in his head. "Fuck", he exclaimed and decided he would rather run through it, then go back to their appartement and admit that Suga was right.

He took a deep breath and then sprinted across the campus to the building where Bokuto und Kuroo's appartement was.

Unfortunately the rain was pretty heavy and when Daichi opened the entrance, he was completely drenched and out of breath. He took the stairs up to the second floor and rang the doorbell. His clothes and hair was dripping on the carpet in front of the door.

Kuroo opened the door and immediately snickered at the sight in front of him. "Did you forget an umbrella?"

"No", Daichi put on a sarcastic smile. "I just thought it would be great to flood your appartement."

Kuroo grinned. "Bo, can you bring a towel?", he shouted into the appartement. "You're not allowed to take one step into here before you stop dripping like a wet dog."

"How kind of you."

"Hey, at least I'm bringing you a towel."

"You mean you ordered Bokuto to bring me towel."

"Same thing." Kuroo grinned. Bokuto appeared behind him and handed Daichi the towel.

"Did you forget an umbrella?", he asked.

"For god's sake!" Daichi rubbed the towel aggressively over his face. "No I didn't forget an umbrella, I just didn't want to go back, so Suga could look at me with his raised eyebrow and tell me he was right!"

"Did he tell you to take an umbrella?" Kuroo tried not to laugh, but when he looked at Bokuto, he failed.

"Yes!" Daichi looked at them with an angry face, while drying most of his wet skin. "Stop laughing. It's not funny."

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