Platonic Boyfriends - SugaMakki

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"I'll be fine, Daichi!" Suga rolled his eyes. He sat in the chair, his feet on the desk. "I'm not even 3 hours away from you. You can come over like whenever you want. And we can have phone calls, it's not like I'm out of the world."

"Yes", Daichi said from the phone. "But it's just so weird, that you're not here. Like we spent more than three years hanging out with each other almost every day."

Suga sighed. "It does feel weird. But we'll make it work. I'm still your best friend, y'know. Just because I moved away doesn't change that."

"I know!" Daichi exclaimed. "I'm not dumb! It just would've been nice to live closer together. Ah, forget it, I'm happy you got to the college you wanted to."

"I mean I will visit my family from time to time and since you still live there, I'll always visit you too when I come home."

"Yeah, okay off topic, but did your roommate arrive yet?"

"No" Suga yawned. It was already late. "He's probably not gonna come at all, I mean semester starts tomorrow, I don't even know how you can move in so late, I could never."

Daichi laughed. "Were you even once too late for school? I feel like you're early for everything."

"Hey", Suga pouted. "That's not fair. I'm not always early."

"Yeah" Suga could hear that Daichi was grinning.

It knocked on the door. "Yeah?", Suga let them in.

"Okay, Daichi I gotta hang up, I think my roommate just came and... wHaT?!" Suga had turned around and stared at the figure that stood in the door.

"You?!", he exclaimed.

"Wait, Suga, who is he? What's going on?", Daichi asked, but Suga just hang up. He still stared at his roommate, the light brown hair almost seemed pink in the light of their room.

He closed the door behind him. "Do I know youuu..." He turned around and looked at Suga properly for the first time. "Wait...", he said.

"You're that sly little bitch from Aoba Johsai!", Suga frowned.

"I wouldn't say I'm little, but you're the bench warmer from Karasuno, I remember."

"Okay no", Suga said, got his feet off the table and stood up. "I'm gonna go get another room."

"Ouch. Words hurt you know."

"Ahahaha, real funny, but how am I gonna survive this semester, if you're my roommate."

"Okay calm down, I'm not that bad. How bout we just start over again."

Suga sighed. He still wasn't sure if this would go well. "Okay", he agreed nevertheless, but he hesitated.

"Good... good...", said his roommate. "I actually don't know your name."

Suga gasped dramatically. "What? I am so disappointed. How could you? I was vice captain, we played against each other. That really hurt my feelings, I cannot... Yeah me neither."

They stared at each other for a moment and then burst out laughing. "Okay", Suga said finally. "I'm sorry. I'm Sugawara, but you can call me Suga."

"I'm Makki", his roommate stated. "Well actually Hanamaki, but Makki's fine."

"Okay Makki" Suga plopped back onto the chair. "I think we should make some rules." He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.

"Can I at least arrive first?" Makki threw his bag onto the bed left for him.

"No", Suga stated and wrote 'Roommate Rules' on top of the paper.

"I'm starting to understand why Iwaizumi thought you'd get along well with Oikawa", Makki muttered.

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