I'm here - AsaNoya

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Asahi saw Noya even before he arrived at the bench. He hurried up. He was late and felt a bit of guilt.

Out of breath he reached the bench and sat down next to Noya. "Hello", he said, but Noya ignored him and just stared in front of him.

"I know that you're there", Noya said quietly.

"Good", Asahi replied. "I almost thought you didn't see me coming."

When Noya fell silent again, Asahi shifted restlessly on the bench. "Are you mad?", he asked and looked at Noya.

"Crazy how fast the things can change, right?" Noya stared at the street in front of them.

"What?" Asahi made a face and let out a small laugh. "Noya, I..."

"You forgot." Noya sounded hurt. "You forgot that you wanted to meet up with me, am I right?"

"No, that's not how it was. I was just late. I'm here now." Asahi didn't understand what Noya was trying to tell him.

"I know that you're here, but that doesn't make it better."

"Doesn't make it better? Noya..." Asahi frowned. "Are you mad that I'm late? Did you think I would stand you up? I would never do that."

Asahi followed Noya gaze and looked at the street too. The lights of the cars that blurred together in lines, when you didn't look at them further. Asahi felt weird. Everything seemed as usual, but Noya was hiding something from him. And why couldn't he talk to him properly?

"You promised. You won't leave me alone, you said."

"Noya, I didn't stand you up, you mean way too much to me, you know that, I wouldn't leave you alone."

"You always said that." Noya looked up to the sky. "And then you left me."

Asahi laughed. "Come on Noya, stop joking around, I didn't leave you. I just had to do some things, that's no reason to be dramatic."

But Noya didn't laugh. "You promised", he said and his voice was filled with anger. "How am I ever going to believe you anything again?"

"Noya?" Slowly Asahi got panicked. What happened to his boyfriend? "Noya, I'm here, do you hear me? I'm here. I didn't leave you."

Asahi reached for Noya, but when he tried to touch him, his hand only went through him. He gasped. What the fuck was happening? "Noya?" His voice got louder, now full of fear.

Noya stood up. "You're fucking gone, Asahi!" His voice trembled. "You left me alone in this godawful world!"

"Noya! I'm here. I'm here!" Asahi almost screamed, he was breathing fast, didn't know what was happening anymore, but Noya couldn't see him, couldn't hear him.

"You fucking broke your promise!", Noya screamed. "You promised it. You pro-" He broke down crying.

Asahi put his hand over his mouth, the tears began to stream down his face. "I'm here", he whispered. "Please, I'm here."

"I can't do this anymore." Noya was trembling. "I can't do this without you."

"Noya", Asahi screamed. "No!", he shouted. "I'm here! Look at me!" He ran a hand through his hair in despair.

Noya stood up again. And then he was running. Asahi tried to hold him, to take him into his arm, to comfort him, to say that everything was okay, but Noya slipped through his arms like water through a sieve and Asahi couldn't do anything else than stand there and watch as Noya threw himself between the cars.

"No!", he screamed and couldn't breathe anymore. He rocked back and forth. "No! Don't you see me? I'm here! I'm here, I'm here!" Over and over again.

He collapsed on himself sobbing. The world in front of him was blurring. The loud horns of the cars, the screams and the crashing of cars that were colliding. He was not really aware of it. His eyes widened with panic as he stared at the scenery in front of him. His breath was going fast.

"I'm here, I'm here", he whispered to the lifeless boy on the street, but he knew that it was too late. 

674 words

I don't like the ending, but I really like the concept.

I hope I haven't destroyed you with this short snippet :D

Best wishes, Jo :)

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