Colours II (IwaOi)

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A/N: This is no continuation of the last part, but only a part of it from Oikawa's point of view, that just didn't leave me, but didn't fit into the other part, without destroying the tension.

Oikawa Tooru couldn't remember not seeing colours. He knew it was strange. In this world you didn't see colours. At least not without a soulmate.

It was normal to meet your soulmate only when you were almost grown up. It wasn't normal however to meet them as a child. And even if you did, you would never see everything in colours. You had to fall in love for that, the relationship had to be strong. As a child it was impossible, you couldn't seriously fall in love.

And yet Oikawa existed. He saw colours and he had it as a kid.

He believed that he had already met his soulmate. Perhaps he was special and a single meeting was enough for him to see the colours in all its glory.

Besides Oikawa had a lot of friends and sometimes he wondered if friendship as a strong relationship might be enough.

Oikawa would like to ask someone about it, he would like to meet someone who was just like him. But he knew that it was not possible. He didn't know anyone like that and he sure wouldn't meet anyone who'd tell it to the world.

After all, he himself hadn't told anyone as well. Maybe he was scared. He didn't know. Oikawa just didn't want to tell anyone, he didn't want to be declared crazy, didn't want to be put into a psychiatric institution, and he clearly didn't want to become an object to ask questions and investigate. He was just a normal boy, too.

Oikawa was constantly searching for his soulmate. Somewhere they had to exist. He just couldn't explain it otherwise, he had never heard of anyone born without a soulmate. Because no one would admit it, he thought. He wouldn't either.

Sometimes he hoped it was Iwaizumi. They were best friends since he could remember and it would only make sense.

Their parents were friends and when they took along their children to their meetings, Oikawa and Iwaizumi had always played together. Maybe they had fallen in love back then. It was possible, wasn't it?

Oikawa shook his head. What nonsense. You couldn't fall in love as a little child. Not seriously. But still. The thought just didn't left him.

The desire for Iwaizumi to be his soulmate eventually grew so strong that Oikawa tried everything he could to find out what Iwaizumi was seeing.

He loved his green eyes and dark hair, he loved that he didn't like being with people, loved that he cared for Oikawa even though he often yelled at him. Oikawa loved everything about him and he wished nothing more than to be able to be with him at last.

He no longer knew when he had started to ask Iwaizumi about colours. He wanted to get him to reveal that he also could see colours, because he had to if they were soulmates.

He had asked him about the colour of his eyes, the colour of his T-Shirt, the sky, the grass, about the colour of his backpack and that one street sign at the corner.

He had never given up, but hope was fading. Iwaizumi Hajime didn't see colours. He would often guess right, but it always was easy to explain. His mother told him about it, he overheard a conversation about it at school, he had just been thinking rational and got it right.

Oikawa almost believed it. Iwaizumi had never described colours in a way that only seeing people could know, he had never guessed colours that were practically impossible to guess and he had never accidentally said anything that he shouldn't have known.

Oikawa was disappointed. Every time again. But a small part of him told him he couldn't stop. Iwaizumi was good at hiding things from him, maybe that was such a thing.

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