Jealousy (DaiSuga)

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„Let him go!" He pushed Oikawa aside, whereupon Iwaizumi angrily went up to him.

Daichi Sawamura was jealous. He knew that and it just made him more angry. How dare the captain of Aoba Johsa come at Sugawara like that? Had he really tried to flirt with him?

Daichi knew that he wasn't acting right. He wasn't even with Koshi. They were best friends. But that didn't make the situation any better. He was just so incredibly mad. At himself, at Oikawa, at Suga and simply at everyone.

Iwaizumi grabbed him by the collar. "What was that?", he asked threatening. But Daichi wasn't intimidated. His feelings got so carried away with him that he didn't really care about anything.

"I said your captain should fucking stay away from Suga." Daichi literally spat in his face.

"Oh yeah?" Iwaizumi was still holding him by the collar. "I didn't know you were that jealous", he whispered. "But don't worry. Oikawa wouldn't do anything to your Sugababy. That idiot isn't interested in him."

Daichi hit. He didn't know what he was thinking, but the rage hadn't ease up and Iwaizumi had been the final straw.

"Daichi, are you crazy?" That was Suga.

Daichi was furious. Iwaizumi had let go of him and stared at him angrily. "You'll regret that, Sawamura", he growled.

Daichi turned around only to be greeted by the frightened looks of his team mates. They knew Daichi could get angry, but freaking out like that was more Tanaka's strength. But even he was speechless right now.

Daichi glared at them one by one. "You've got a problem?", he hissed.

Hinata shook his head intimidated right away. Asahi seemed to be scared as well. Only Suga looked at him angrily.

Daichi avoided his gaze. He took his bag over his shoulder and went away. Was it that wrong to defend Suga? Everybody had seen that he was feeling uncomfortable in Oikawa's presence.

The whole practice match he had the feeling, Oikawa had tried to get close to his best friend. He didn't know if he had just imagined, but it had bothered him so much that he couldn't concentrate throughout the whole match. In spite of all the effort from the rest of the team they had lost and therefore the mood wasn't particularly good. Coach Ukai had tried to talk to Daichi after the match, but he had just blocked. He himself didn't know what was wrong with him.

And then Oikawa had flirted with Koshi so obvious. That had finished him off.

Daichi was on his way to the dorms. They would spend the night here at the training camp. He didn't really know if that was good. His futon was right beside Suga's and he had already felt a bit uncomfortable last night.

He changed his mind and turned just before the dorms. Otherwise he'd probably have to talk to the others, that would follow soon after. He didn't feel like doing that.

So he searched for a bench outside, where he sat down and buried his head in his face. What had he done?


Suga was mad. That usually didn't happen often, but now he almost lost his temper.

He turned to Oikawa and Iwaizumi, apologetic. "I'm really sorry", he said. "Usually he's not like that and I can't really excuse his actions. That's the limit."

"No problem", Oikawa answered. "Well, you don't have that every day. Being knocked over by such a pretty fellow."

Suga looked at him confused. He definitely had a screw loose.

Iwaizumi hit Oikawa on the back of his head. He made a face. "Iwa-chan, that hurts", he moaned.

Iwaizumi looked at Suga. "I'm sorry too", he grumbled. "Shittykawa really can't control himself sometimes."

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