◯Reactions to you screaming out of no where◯

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            *could be seen romantic or platonic*

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*could be seen romantic or platonic*

-If it's night time and you are in his house. He will run in with a bat ready to kill who ever hurts his friend/lover.

-If someone is really there. Mf is killing that person. That person dares to scares you? Nah. The person is dared to die tonight.

-Now if there was nothing there. He would say what's wrong and comfort you, saying nothing is there.

-He would look around quickly.

-You cannot tell me he would get easily scared just by you screaming bloody murder out of no where.

-Grabs anything in reach and puts you behind him as he holds out his weapon to protect you.

-If he sees nothing is there he would look at you and say "why would you scream?" In a tired voice

-But if this mf did see anything or someone...he's throwing everything at that person.

-Same as robin, he's busting in with his bat.

-But you probably screamed cause you saw a bug and he would be disappointed and grab the bug and throw it outside.

-But if you screamed at something and it's night time. This mf would grab you and make sure no one is getting you. He would die for you to protect you.

-Would scream with you but make it an angry scream of fury. Chaotic mf

-You screamed cause you watched a horror movie and some random tall boy put his hand on your shoulder.

-So you can tell what's about to happen...

-Vance bull rushed that mf and tackled him to the ground.

"FUCK DID YOU DO TO THEM!?" "Speak up! I don't speak little bitch!"

"VANCE, VANCE! It's okay I'm just jumpy.." you said before Vance smashed the poor boy's head into the ground. Vance scoffs and lets the boy go while immediately going back to normal like nothing happened while you are like "🧍"

-You probably screamed out of no where to scare him

-He would scream with you while frequently looking around scared with wide eyes.

-When he realized what you did he pouts and hits your arm hard.

"Ouch!" You while rubbing your arm to smooth the pain "you deserved that." He said while his eyes are narrowed in disappointment. You softly told him sorry

-He's use to it. Like you always be screaming for fun to annoy him from his studies and books

-So when you actually screamed in pure fear he got up so quick and ran

-Only to see you pointing to a spider on your bed while you on your dresser about to cry.

-He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and killed it like Bruce.

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