Chapter 64

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Over the past couple of days the sky had been going crazy, the moons were fine, which was good since if they weren’t, he wasn’t sure how that would affect NightWing powers. 

There was one odd thing though, a large orb half the size of the smallest moon, with a tail twice its diameter. It moved across the sky slowly as Deathbringer observed it every night. It was sort of amazing actually, how it looked in the sky. Tonight, two moons were full and it almost resembled a brightest night, though the largest moon was new. 

It was because of that that Deathbrigner wasn’t sure if invading the Night kingdom today had been a good idea, he was all for dethroning Soulseer and putting her cousin on the throne, but they certainly could have waited another day. He always claimed that he was unaffected by the NightWing superstitions, but he was beginning to doubt himself at this point, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. 

He waited just behind the resting front lines, sitting beside Glory as they pondered the best time to sneak through the lines. The enemy had archers so they had to be careful, but with the slate ring and Glory’s camouflage, they could probably leave as soon as the enemy was calm and mostly asleep. Despite the NightWings being nocturnal, for some reason the eye soldiers were not, probably because Orca wasn’t nocturnal. 

He didn’t quite feel ready to assassinate the queen. 


Glorious vengeance

It was unnecessarily nerve wracking to sneak through the front lines as the last traces of sunlight faded. 

Glory flew with as much gliding as she could manage, relying on a steady wind current. Most RainWings knew just how bad it could get if someone heard their invisible wingbeats.

With the slate ring, Deathbringer didn't have the same issue. The only real problem with the two was keeping track of each other. Though apparently Deathbringer was unnaturally gifted at locating invisible RainWings, which made it all a large degree easier. 

They'd gone over the layout of the palace already a million times, Deathbringer explaining that every so often at a safe spot, he would remove the ring and they could regroup a bit. 

The two invisible dragons flew over the enemy rankings, gliding most of the way as they soared past the cities of night. This was the more dangerous part since the cities themselves were certainly awake beneath the moonlight. It was the perfect timing though, because as they flew onto the palace grounds, the third army landed, sufficiently distracting the NightWings. 

It was truly a sight to behold, the army of white scaled dragons attacking the palace itself. The NightWings were too busy trying to protect their other two flanks to send help, so most of the defense were off duty soldiers and civilians. 

The two invisible dragons flew right over the ghostly armies as the battle began.

They finally landed at the palace, entering through an inconspicuous garden that most dragons wouldn’t even notice. 

From there, they entered the palace. 

Glory wasn’t actually sure if Deathbringer was there until she spotted him from the corner of her eye having just removed the ring that destroyed his ability to be sensed. He nodded at her as Glory ground to a halt, “Keep going down this hall, then head into the servants kitchens and through their passages after that you’ll find the throne room, she’s most likely there.” 

“Alright, I guess I’ll see you when I get there!” 

Glory smiled and Deathbringer grinned, “see you then.”

The two invisible dragons migrated through the hallways, stepping carefully and avoiding the servants that bustled about, oblivious to their invisible invaders. Glory watched the NightWings traverse their halls, observing them with a critical eye and searching their eyes for the scales that would betray a mindreader. Thankfully it seemed that most NightWings with powers could get better jobs than servants for the queen. 

Eventually, Glory ended up in the throne room. 

It was empty. 

Deathbringer appeared beside her, frowning at the empty room. After a few moments, he pointed at a side door, “that leads to her rooms, she’s probably in there, be prepared for anything.” 

Glory focused on the door, “only if you’re twice as prepared.”

With that, she pushed open the door.

Glory and Deathbringer get to spend more time together that's not invisible with every vote!!!

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