Chapter 59

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Echos of reality

Uhar sat beneath the table, as still as a rock. He had lots of practice pretending to be a rock, it was the only way to navigate the deep cavern properly. And the deep cavern was where the river was, so every Kiaen had a lot of practice being a rock. 

So reminding himself of his heritage through being a rock was a very good way to overhear exactly what he needed. 

Apparently though, it was common knowledge, he just never talked to the right dragons and he didn’t know what to ask. Though the sheer amount of secrets he could find out by simply sitting underneath Tsunami’s desk was astonishing.

Today, Tsunami was tired, which made sense. Everyone was tired today. She was talking with the SeaWing general that Uhar had gotten that useless scroll from. He worked as her almost right talon dragon and spent a lot of time in the library worrying about things. Uhar was pretty sure his name was Foam, but at this point it was too late to ask. 

Foam was also tired, a fairly common occurrence since apparently the deadline for their invasion was coming up. After a long discussion about MudWings for some reason, the two SeaWings finally got to the juicy bits. 

“Have you talked to him yet?” who?

“Yes.” Was the reply from Tsunami. Alright, apparently she’d talked to someone. Cool. 

“And uh… what do you think about the situation?” 

Tsunami sighed, “he’s been an immense help, we can’t just leave him there, but we don’t have any real procedures for spies who make it back.” 

“Then make some procedures.”

“What if he’s under the eye?”

“Do you really believe that?” 

Tsunami was silent, “I’ll give it until he heals, alright? I’ll figure it out after that.” 

That seemed to sate Foam, “alright, has he asked for anything?”

 “Just scrolls, he seems fine with waiting.” 

“I can get those to him, focus on the invasion.”

Ah, sweet, in order to intercept that, Uhar just had to be in the library when Foam retrieved the scrolls for the mystery dragon and offer to help him transport them, it was perfect.

“Alright, I’ll get right on that, I don't want him getting bored.” Foam left. 

Tsunami didn’t.


Uhar couldn’t exit the desk until no one was watching. Crap. he hadn’t thought this through very well. Uhar continued to sit under the desk, curled up and as still as a rock, his muscles began to ache. No. bad. No aching. 

By the time Uhar did get to the library, Foam was long gone. 

New plan. He was probably in the infirmary, right? Tsunami had mentioned healing. Uhar just had to find someone in the infirmary with a lot of scrolls. That sounded easy, right? 

So Uhar made his way to the infirmary, it was a clean building with happy paintings on the walls with bright colors and smooth transitions. There were a lot of rooms and some of the lobbies were filled with doctors bandaging up minor injuries.

Uhar went about searching every room, sickbed, and closet until he got kicked out by an annoyed RainWing doctor. 

And apparently doctors didn’t like random tiny cave dwellers bothering their patients? After thinking about it though, it seemed to make sense, dragons tended to be irritable when they were wounded and he might’ve just made it worse. 

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