Chapter 9

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Of deepest blue

Tsunami would never tell Blaze to her face that she was an imbecile, but she was not above telling everyone else that. It was common knowledge that Blaze and a rock had equal levels of intelligence. But well... why did this rock think that Tsunami had time to deal with some random tribe that appeared out of nowhere? It was almost like Blaze wanted Tsunami to fly over there and slap her.

She let out a long breath as Echo and Cactus tried to explain the entire situation, but Tsunami had glazed over the details. All she could think was that Blaze, instead of trying to deal with this on her own, which she certainly had the power to do. She'd sent the problem off to someone else instead of growing a wad of common sense. What made Blaze think that anyone else was qualified to deal with this? Blaze literally lived on the doorstep of the tundra.

She rerouted her brain though, remembering how Foam had been telling her not to expect too much out of some dragons. Sure, Blaze had passed on the problem, but at least she'd done something instead of staring in a mirror all day.

Right here, there were two dragons expecting her to take charge, and Tsunami, sure as the moons would rise, was good at taking charge. She nodded as Cactus explained how the resistance might send some dragons to check out the caves and see if the Cavewings were willing to help.

Tsunami adopted a thoughtful look that she'd been practicing lately, it had a queenly air about it, and when they finally dethrone her sister, she would have a lot more time to practice it. "Alright, I can see how this might work. We'll gather a team, lead by me of course."

because if you want anything done right in this place, you have to do it yourself. A variety of tribes because reassigning too many of one type was a hassle and scarlet purposefully seemed to make it as hard as possible... no Skywings then. "And of course, we'll be taking Echo as a translator since you mentioned they don't speak our language."

Echo nodded, his ears swiveling at the sounds. "I understand that. I believe that the Kiaen will help if properly persuaded. I will do what I can to aid you, it helps no one if the world is taken over before we can even see it." His accent was strange enough that it took Tsunami a moment to contextualize the words.

But she nodded, giving him a smile even though she didn't want to. "Thank you for your honorable words. I'll let you know the details within the week, take a few days to rest from your journey."

Echo smiled hesitantly, and they left with elegant words of farewell. He stuck close to Cactus, in a way that Tsunami wasn't sure was healthy, he might have some sort of crush on her, but that wasn't an excuse to hide behind the larger dragon at every change in the wind.

Right, I have to find a new guard for Blaze now... how she would pull that off was getting harder, it was a nice place to send dragons with war exhaustion, but they got bored of the place fast, and she was running out of sandwings that hadn't already taken the position.

Sunny hasn't. Tsunami reminded herself. The small sandwing was the least qualified for war out of everyone that Tsunami knew, but then there was the matter of that Nightwing who stuck perpetually by her side. He would definitely ruin Blaze's 'aesthetic.' Tsunami rolled her eyes and tucked the problem away for later, there was no sense in worrying over something as pointless as Blaze's comfort.



Uhar waited in ambush as the seawing with the scroll walked around the base. He'd never expected to get so deprived of reading that he would go to such extremes. He'd been following this seawing most of the day as Tsunami organized for their departure and Cactus tried very hard to get details out of her. But interrogating Tsunami was like pulling teeth. Sometimes, nothing came out.

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