Chapter 22

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Echo of the Strata

As the date for their departure loomed closer, Uhar almost forgot about Esin's insistence that he ask one of the icewings about their history. He would have totally forgotten if he hadn't smelled the scent of cooking Inirae from a nearby cave.

After that, in the general fashion that brains operate, Uhar was reminded of Esin and his promise to actually ask one of the icewings that were right there. He would have asked Radiance, but Uhar was almost sure that she was the bussiest dragon alive lately. Going to meetings, learning the language, and trying to organize a large group of secluded cavedwellers.

So Radiance was out of the question. Thankfully, there were three other icewings that might actually be better options, especially considering that Radiance wasn't very... cooperative.

Storm was pretty helpful and smart enough to know the answer, but he didn't like talking much unless it was to correct a fact. He would probably help, but Uhar wasn't sure how much would get told to his superiors. There could always be something he was hiding.

Frost was usually angry, the silent fuming kind that Uhar associated with the snow or the deep caves. He didn't often divulge anything about himself and he seemed to always be glaring at someone, even if he never voiced his opinions. Uhar doubted Frost would know anything, and if he did, he wasn't going to tell Uhar.

Drift was the closest to Radiance, Uhar suspected that they were a couple, but he didn't have any concrete evidence other than how they looked at each other, which might actually be hatred now that he thought about it. Drift was cooperative, but not the nicest of the icewings, he liked having the last word and he liked being the center of attention.

Overall, Uhar would prefer to ask Storm, but after an afternoon of searching for him, he figured out quickly that Storm had been sent back to the island to tell Aurora of Radiance's success. And via process of elimination, the next on the list was Drift.

Uhar didn't expect it to go well, so he approached Drift as the evening wore on, completely expecting it to go terribly. And it was already. Drift was frowning as he tried to communicate with Hosof, a Kiaen half Uhar's age. The icewing was failing miserably, but to Uhar's pleasant surprise, he was using the right words, it was just that... Hosof was deaf.

Hosof kept trying to explain this, his words had gotten better since Uhar had seen him last, but there was still that slur that his teachers hadn't quite figured out how to help him recognize. That slur was screwing Drift over as he tried once more to ask Hosof's name.

Uhar approached behind Drift, frowning as he tried asking again, getting increasingly frustrated as he doubtlessly thought he had the words wrong.

This was only making Hosof look more and more distressed as he tried explaining over and over, "I can't hear!" it was jumbled just enough that someone such as Drift might assume he meant "I can't understand."

Uhar sighed as Drift started talking again, "It's not 'Sha oerien kes.' it's 'Shai oerien kese.' you're doing better though."

Drift started and glanced over at Uhar, "is it that unintelligible what I'm trying to say?"

Uhar shook his head, "no, anyone could get the question. Though maybe choose a different dragon next time." He knelt beside Hosof and made a few gestures with the almost language Hosof's teachers had started to make for him. 'It's alright, he's just crazy. I'll deal with it.'

Hosof shot him a grateful glance and darted away.

Drift stared after the dragonet with a frown, "Whaten was I doing wrong?"

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