Chapter 40

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Frosted ice

Frost was happy for the first time since he'd left home. He sort of suspected that everyone else had forgotten about him, which gave him a little thrill to think about, he'd always been hunted down after just a few hours in his old den, but here no one knew his history and no one was there to stop him from just living in the den.

The scavengers would need more time to get used to the idea though, which was the only reason that Frost didn't just stay there all the time. He also made extra careful to only go hunting outside of the village, his last den hadn't appreciated him hunting their animals.

And yes, scavengers had animals. It was all so very fascinating, creatures that most dragons assumed to be dumb were building cities and climbing up the food chain faster than he'd seen even dragons do so.

And Frost was going to be the first dragon to see just how smart they were.

On his second visit, the little champion was summoned forth from the depths of the den, clad in sparkling armor that was just adorable. He waved a pointy stick and shouted menacingly, Frost had long since realized that he had to earn the respect of the scavengers. He couldn't just fight his way to the top, they were ruthless when they wanted to be.

When faced by the little champion, Frost did something that no other dragon would dare, he bowed to the little champion, inclining his head and holding still for a long moment as a hush fell over the scavengers.

When Frost looked up, blinking slowly, the little champion looked afraid again, fascinating, he was afraid of this...

Frost was fine with that, he would learn, that was one of the best things about scavengers, they always learned faster than dragons, picking up on impossible nuances that Frost couldn't even wrap his brain around.

The other scavengers were silent, watching the little hero with awe, yes that must be awe, he'd seen it a few times back home. They had their little mouths open into almost perfect circles, gaping at the hero trembling in his glorious armor.

The little champion said something under his breath, unintelligible because Frost didn't speak scavenger, but the tone radiated authority, even with the tremors in his voice. Curious.

Frost tilted his head and made a noise that he hoped the scavengers would recognize as curiosity. It was different to hear that tone from a dragon or a scavenger, but it was similar enough, and he'd used it before, hopefully, the scavengers would understand.

And then the arguing began.

Frost hadn't expected that part, he'd come to be in his old den so peacefully... but here, the older scavengers began to shout, pointing at Frost and yelling, he could hear the tremors of fear and indignity racing across their voices as they rose and fell like the storms.

The little hero tried to say something but he was drowned out by the anger surrounding him.

Frost decided that was the last straw, clearly, this den needed to be trained. He stood up and let out his mightiest roar. The scavengers shut up, looking at him with fear once more and Frost pointed at his little champion. "Listen to him.'' He knew they didn't speak dragon, but they still looked to the little champion, who was still gawking up at Frost.

A few tense moments passed, and the little hero spoke, finally calm.

No one argued this time, they looked up at Frost, some angry, some hopeful, but this time they listened. Good


Frost gets another happy day for every vote!

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