Chapter 58

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Spoken fates

Fatespeaker looked up from the inscription and stared straight into the eyes of an unfamiliar NightWing. She blinked at Fatespeaker and they stared at each other for a long moment. Fatespeaker opened her mouth to ask and the NightWing smiled, immediately disappearing. 

Fatespeaker stared at the spot for a long moment, trying to figure out what had just happened. 

She was interrupted by a sudden barrage of visions, death. Lots of death. Feirceteeth alright, Preyhunter dead, the small mindreader dead, spikes from the walls destroying every one of her teammates. 

Fatespeaker gasped as the vision faded and left the room, running down the hall. The vision changed, slowly guiding her down the winding halls that would take her to the death trap that had just been activated. 

They would be fine. 

Fatespeaker came to a dead end and paused as her vision ushered her forward. To the left, and up. She followed it and blinked at the lever in the wall. She hesitated and then pulled it. Suddenly the wall was gone. Fatespeaker was very sure at that point that the entirety of this grave was animus touched. Freaking animus… 

She walked through the empty space that had been a wall, turned another corner and pulled another lever, revealing a white room filled with screaming black dragons. 


Feirceteeth gave Preyhunter a look and rushed past him to the now nonexistent wall as Fatespeaker watched them with a baffled expression. Feirceteeth bumped into Fatespeaker as she passed and everyone else streamed past, giving the walls fearful glances. 

Fatespeaker followed them out of the corridor as everyone decided that it was a contest to see who could glare at Feirceteeth harder. 


Sight of the moons

Moonwatcher waited as everyone took turns chewing Feirceteeth out for not telling them anything. It wasn’t like she had specifically decided to omit information, she just apparently hated explaining things to others. 

Moon hadn’t known about the big death trap either, but that was only because she hadn’t been listening at the time for the trailing thoughts of the various unblocked minds. So logically, it was her own fault that she hadn’t realized it was a death trap. 

The other seer, Fatespeaker, led everyone down the tunnel and into a strange place that reminded Moon of a cozy home. Everyone wandered around, inspecting the various places for valuables as Fatespeaker showed Feirceteeth the tomb itself. Moon didn’t care much about that at the moment, but she did know that some of the rooms were interesting. 

There was a sitting room furnished with happy colors untouched by the fading rays of the sun. everything was unnaturally clean, even the air smelled like almost nothing. 

Moon poked around a bit but gave up as she heard Preyhunter thinking about her. Maybe Moon knows. Knew what? She slipped out of the room and found him sitting outside a decorative door iliad with golden pictures and gemstones. He was prodding the door with one talon as Feirceteeth watched with a speculative expression. She didn’t seem to think that this was going anywhere, and Moon agreed. Preyhunter pushed the door harder but nothing happened. 

Moon frowned at it and dug a few claws between the door and its frame. Pulling at the large door to no avail. Preyhunter blinked at her idea and slid his own claws into the gap, both of them pulling at it as it slowly slid outward. Together they opened the door and peered inside. 

Preyhunter went first, lighting the way with flame and squinting into the dark corners of the large room. Laying on a pedestal in the center of the room was a long scroll case. 


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