They Stabbed my Favorite Coat

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"Emi, there's someone here for you," Tazinaki told me as I was finishing a report for The Guild incident.

"'Kay, just five seconds," I muttered as I typed the conclusion. A second later, I finished it and printed it before handing it to Naomi. Then, I went to the guest area.

"Took you long enough," Shiozaki said. He was in his uniform, so he must've been here on official business.

"I had a report to finish, so what's up?" I asked as I sat across from him, snacking on some candy corn.

"We need your help again. We have reason to believe that Kawai, the politician, is involved in some back-alley dealings. We have a warrant to search his properties, but intelligence found out he has some gifted under his employ..."

"So, you need me to act as a bodyguard. Sure, I'll accept the job."

"Great," he sighed in relief. "Well," he stood up, "let's get ready, the raid's in an hour."

"You really would've been screwed without me," I chuckled as I stood up.

"Yeah, yeah," he waved off as we headed to the door.

"I'll be back in a few hours!" I called out before leaving. "So, do you know anything about these ability users?" I asked as we descended the stairs.

"Just their names, unfortunately," he sighed.

"That's good enough for me," I assured as I pulled out my newer, non-expensive, laptop.

"And where did you have that hiding???" he asked as I formed a spider monkey tail and used it as a desk, gaining weird looks as we exited the building.

"My big pocket. Where else?" He just sighed at that as I finished getting it ready. "Alright, so what are those names?"

"They're all foreign," he started as he took out a small notebook, "So I don't know how much info you'll be able to get."

"Kuro, bud, just trust the smart teen," I assured.

"Whatever you say... First up, we have Louis Sachar."

"His ability is Holes. I looked in on a conversation a while back and they mentioned that the ability in itself was average, but his technique makes it somewhat strong."

"Okay... next is Hanya Yanagihara. Her name sounds Asian, but she's american-born."

"Okey..." I muttered as I typed. "A Little Life, whatever inanimate object that she touches, as long as it's smaller than her head, will come to life. Records show that she cannot control them," I read.

"What are you using to get this info anyway?" he curiously asked.

"Just using an old acquaintance's account."

"On... what?" He raised a suspicious brow.

"... I don't believe I feel comfortable telling you that."

"Emi," he warned.

"It's nothing illegal. Besides, he's been giving me permission and these ones aren't classified documents." By permission, I mean he hasn't blocked me from using his account. It's the least he could do after the shit he's pulled.

"These ones?" he repeated.

"Just give me the next name already!"

The remaining three were George Orwell: Animal Farm, he could control animals which sounded cruel to me, Gary D. Schmidt: Orbiting Jupiter, he could control the gravitational pull of certain things, and Marcus Sedgwick: White Crow, probably the most troublesome ability, the white crow he sees kills the people it touches after 30 minutes unless he is knocked out or his ability is deactivated.

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