Part 6

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My alarm rang at 7 AM, I had to prepare for meeting Porsche, he wanted to discuss something with me and that was making me quite nervous. Also I need to prepare for that audit and business lunch. However, the worst is that I don't know who those investors will be, so I won't be able to prepare myself in advance.

I had a steamy shower, and then I had to somehow pick an outfit that would suit for both meetings, because I am not sure if I managed to get changed, or should I just take spare clothes with me?

Oooh, that's a great idea. It was already 7:30, so I had to grab myself a quick breakfast and then hurry up to see Porsche.

I started my car exactly at 7:45 so I should be on time, if there will be no traffic. But it's Saturday, so I assume that it will be fine.

I reached Porsche's house at 8:00 sharp. Shiaaaaa I'm the best!

He was already waiting outside, so I made him sit into my car and drove to the city centre.

"I thought we will be going into your house, so I can take my car." Porsche said.

"Yeah, we will, just first things first.. I need a new vehicle as well, so you need to help me choose. Should it be a car or a bike.. or both?" I was not sure about this yet.

All I saw was Porsche's annoyed face, "well I would go for a car, is there any brand that you are interested in?"

"I thought about it a lot.. I need something not too expensive or not too cheap. You know that middle class." I said.

"Sooo what about Audi? A lot of people do have this brand, and it should not be suspicious right?" Porsche looked at me with his winning look.

I just nodded and drove to the nearest Audi shop.

Porsche loved the Audi TT RS Coupé, they had it in a really stunning grey colour.. I bet that Vegas would like it. .. Fuck! Why am I thinking about him? Shiaaa..
Car will be ready for pickup tomorrow. I told the shop owner that a friend of mine will pick it up, so I gave him his name and phone number. I just can't forget to tell him..

"Pete, do you want to call Vegas about picking up your new car now or later?"

"Oiii, let me be for a moment, we should go and grab a coffee so we can discuss that thingy you mentioned yesterday.

"That's a great idea" Porsche nodded, so we sat back in my car and drove to the nearest coffee shop. Coffee shop personnel took our order, and Porsche started to speak.

"Kinn is starting a new business with Vegas, and he has no time for me. They should meet someone today, and I don't know why, but it is making me really nervous."

"What are you nervous about?" I had to ask, because from my point of view, Kinn adores him so badly.. I believe that it is not healthy at all.

"I don't know, I just don't trust Vegas. What if this will be some kind of shady business.. They try not to talk about it in front of me, and that is making me fucking anxious."

"Porsche, just chill out, maybe they don't want to talk about it, so they don't jinx it." I was just frustrated with him.. he was biting his nails like a teenage girl.

"You might be right Pete." Porsche finally gave up, so we finished this coffee in peace and quiet. I quickly looked at my phone and it was 9:43 AM.. I panicked. "Fuck Porsche, we need to hurry back, I promised grandma that Ill be home at 10 AM the latest."

We both grabbed coffee, phones and walked faster to the car. Luckily for me it was Saturday and people were inside sleeping in. Hence the traffic was still okay.

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