Part 13

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We entered the hospital room, and Tania was connected to a lot of machines. Her face was pale, and somehow she looked smaller in that huge bed. Jessie started to cry, because he was afraid. He was expecting his mum to at least look at him, but she was sleeping and even her breathing was controlled.

Doctor came in.

"What are you doing here? Are you a family?"
I just nodded, "I am her fiancee and this is her son." I had to say, because otherwise he would kick me out.
"Miss Tania suffered internal bleeding. Mostly due to an attack. We managed to stop the bleeding, however she will remain unconscious for another week, just to make sure that all the broken ribs will heal, as well the pneumotorax."

"Thank you doctor." I nodded politely, and caressed Jessies hair. "Don't cry baby boy, mum will be fine. She just needs to rest now."
"Papa, can I give her that plushie we bought her?" Jessie asked, I just nodded, so he took it from the bag and placed it next to her. I in the meantime was organizing daily necessities I bought earlier.
Jessie was holding her hand, and talking about every toy he saw at the toy shop and of course what toys I bought him. This boy is so sweet. I can't believe it.

Nurse came to the room just to announce that visiting hours are over, and that we can come again tomorrow. I had to carry Jessie out, because he fell asleep next to his mum. He must have been so tired today. I can't imagine what he is going through.

Macau was waiting for us in the car, I believe that he had some business calls, because he looked so upset.

"Is everything okay Macau?" I had to ask, because he was fuming..

"No, Vegas is a complete idiot. He just cancelled another meeting, and is not picking up any calls and responding to my messages. Even Kinn tried to contact him, but nothing."

"Come, let's go home, and I can help you find him. I might have an idea where he could be." I answered and Macau started to drive.

Jessie woke up surprised that he is not with his mum again. "Papa, can we come again tomorrow to see mum?"

"Of course, I will take you." I looked at him and smiled.

Rest of the ride was quiet. We arrived in front of the house, when I saw Vegas' car parked in front of the house. Macau was shocked. "What is he doing here? Are you fine already?"

"I have no idea what he's doing here." I said to Macau and exited the car, carried Jessie into his room just to put him to bed to rest before dinner.

"Jessie, I will now prepare something to eat, please rest for a while. It was a really busy day today. Okay?" Jessie just nodded and closed his eyes.

I went down to the kitchen just to prepare some soup and sandwiches and of course waited if Macau would come back with or without Vegas. I am still not sure what he is doing here.

Macau was back, exhausted. Vegas was nowhere to be found. I gave him water and poured soup, so he could gain energy faster.

"Macau, please take care of Jessie for a while. Ill bring Vegas back."

"How could you know where he is hiding?"

"Come on Macau, I told him about every hiding place in this area, so I believe that I can find him faster than you."

Macau was surprised, but did not say anything else, just ate his soup and some sandwiches. I went out to the backyard, walked through an old gate into a barn. Climbed an old ladder, walked past stacked hay and found him. Vegas was able to remember my favorite spot.

"What are you doing here Vegas?"
"I just came here to check the sunset, you told me that this place is the best."
"But why now? I thought you should have some business meetings."
"I am just fed up with everything, I don't know how I should act in front of Kinn and Porsche. They are not the same Pete. They changed so badly. Even Chay is now living with me, Venice and Macau."
"Is it that bad?" I could not believe what he was saying.
"Maybe it is even worse. After Jasmine died, Kinn wanted to have all the business she ever owned. However when he found out that you are the one inheriting it he started to act like a crazy idiot. He even told Porsche that you betrayed him, left him alone just to hide with all the money.."

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