Part 9 🔞

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He was locked in my bathroom for more than 10 minutes.. It looks like he is afraid to face me. I could not blame him actually.. What if he was convinced all the time that he likes girls, and well then he gives blowjob to me and later that day I give it to him.

"However, the style he was playing with me.. Shit .. he must have had someone previously.. because you cannot train this with girls.. I should ask him..  Fuck but how to do it?" I kept talking to myself..

Well, he is still locked and I need to pee.. Well I better use the main bathroom.. Who knows how long he will stay there .. I left my room with hopes that he will not open the only drawer that is not locked..

I heard footsteps.. Pete walked out of my room with his head bent down.

"Pete, is everything alright? Did I do something that you did not like?"

"It's not like that.. I like it a lot.. It's just..." Pete stuttered and his cheeks were getting reddish.. "I never experienced something like this.. It is something new for me.. I never actually came with another guy."

"So am I you first?" I just had to ask..

"No..... no you are not.. but I never had anyone do that thing to me... like you did .. and... I.. I just don't know how to handle it... " He answered... He was red like a tomato.. Ooooi poor Pete.. he just doesn't know how to handle emotions... I see..

"Do you want me to help you with that? We can talk it out.. I just don't want things to be weird between us."

Pete winked multiple times, like he could not believe my words.. "If that won't bother you.."

"Not at all Pete, if it eases your mind and things will be cool again between us then I'll be happy to assist with that." I said with a reassuring smile.


V: "So just nod if I got it right okay?"

Pete nodded.

V: "You had boyfriends before." Pete nodded

V: "You had sex with them." Pete nodded

V: "You were the one giving them everything just to satisfy them."

P: "No it's not like that.. I was always able to satisfy them, but they were not able to satisfy me.." He bent his head down with shame and continued ".. I don't know what is wrong with me, but anything they tried to do .. It just did not satisfy me.. I was able to come after a while, but I did not enjoy it the way I wanted.."

There was a moment of silence then he continued. "That is why every relationship I had ende. Everytime it felt like a dead end for me and I could not bear it. Having sex and the possibility to enjoy it is something that I need and I want to have. It might sound like I am a selfish bastard or whatever but I really don't care.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck... Shit this conversation is really happening..  My mind was screaming.

V: "Okay, well ... You might not have discovered what you like and what you need.. You are not a selfish bastard. You just know what you want and need. This is the most important."

P: "But I tried everything.. and I just don't know. I like it all, but there is no satisfaction for me. Then out of blue you appeared and this happened.. and just.. I don't know.. my mind is now confused.. I just dont know a single fucking thing."

V: "I can help you discover yourself if you want Pete."

P: "Can I please think about it? I just need to start thinking straight again. I am just too confused."

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