Part 17

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The morning came so fast. I heard my alarm ringing at 7:00 AM, so I got up and looked at Vegas. He was sleeping peacefully. I took a quick shower, got dressed and I was heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for all of us. I again prepared a kettle of coffee and tea, because I heard complaints from Venice and Jessie that they are too old for cocoa or warm milk.

For breakfast I prepared Khao Rad Gaeng. I just hope that Venice won't be complaining again, because it looks like he hates rice.

It was almost 8:00 AM and they were sleeping. I had to go back to our room to grab my backpack and to print some documents. I was ready to leave..

"Pete, are you leaving this early?" Vegas asked.
"Yeah, I need to see Tania and speak with the doctor, then I need to do grocery shopping, because we have almost nothing left and I don't want Venice to be complaining about rice again.." I chuckled.
"I'll be going with you." Vegas said.
"No need Vegas, you can wait for me near the hospital if you want, of course if something would have happened I'll call you." I smiled, kissed him and walked away.


I arrived at the hospital and asked the first nurse where I could find an attending doctor for my fiancee. He is now checking her vitals, as she woke up from her coma a few hours ago.

I thanked and hurried to her room.

When I knocked and walked in Tania looked at me and smiled, however the smile was not bright as always. I sensed that something was wrong.

"Hello Tania, how do you feel?"
"It could have always been better."

I did not say anything else, just sat right next to her and caressed her hair.

"Mr. Saengtham, we have found a tumor inside Mrs. Tania lungs." the doctor said and I could not believe what I was hearing.
"So are you trying to tell me that it just appeared out of nowhere? When you were admitting her, no one said anything about fucking tumor." I panicked.

"I am truly sorry to say it, however it was not visible properly at the first X-Ray we took when we admitted your fiancee." Doctor apologized..

I look at Tania with pain in my eyes and just hugged her. This was a fucking nightmare. What are we supposed to do now? What about Jessie? Fuck.. this is fucking stupid.. I started to sob, because I was lost.

"Pete, please dont cry. You need to stay strong for Jessie. He needs you."
"Tania, do you realize that Jessie will be going to his real father.. right?"
"No he wont, I asked hospital staff if they are able to print me documents regarding Child care. I managed to fill it, so if you want you can now be his papa. I never mentioned his name, so he technically has no father."

I was honestly surprised by this act. I signed those documents with a heavy heart.

"Doctor, when can Tania be discharged from the hospital?"
"I think that next week could be possible, of course, if there will be no further complications." The doctor confirmed.
"We would like to leave back to Thailand in the next 2 weeks, is it safe for her to leave with us and get treated there?"
"The earlier you will be going back the better from my point of view. At the moment the tumor stopped growing, but who knows how it will be in the next 2 weeks."

I only nodded and thanked, the doctor then left and we were alone.

"I am so sorry Tania. I cannot help you at all with this."
"Actually Pete, I knew about the tumor before. I was not brave enough to tell you about it."
"So what about treatment? Did you consult with anyone back in Thailand?" I started to question her.
"I did, but the hospital expenses were too high for me. I can't afford it, also they would have taken Jessie away from me." Tania started to cry.
"Oooi, don't cry, it will be fine, I will take care of you. Don't worry." I hugged her, because that was the only thing I could do the best.

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