Chapter 36: Is This Goodbye?

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"Doll. Hey doll. Wake up!" I hear a voice from somewhere, but not sure from where. I recognize this voice, it sounds so familiar. When I finally awake, I feel something really hard and cold under me. I assume it as a ground. I slowly open my eyes and I immediately look into the pair of crystal blue ones. "Thank God you're alive" the boy says and smiles. "Luke" I shout and wrap my hands around his neck. "I thought you will never come back" I say quietly. "I wanted to, but he didn't let me. Anyway, I just couldn't watch what he was doing to you anymore. I'm so sorry" he says while stroking my back with his hands.


I cup her face with my hands and kiss her. I missed those sweet lips so bad. I was trying to take control over myself again, but he was so much stronger than me. It was driving me crazy and I wanted to be with her because what he wanted from her and what he was doing to her was sick. If I could I would beat him, but I can't. I started to be happy about that baby. I knew that we're both probably too young, but I was happy about it. He just ruined everything. I can't let him to take the control over me ever again. I just can't. She doesn't deserve to suffer like this.


I'm so happy that he's back. Now I'm sure he really cares about me. I'm sure he really loves me. I'm sure it wasn't just the demon. I know the most of the things he did, he did it because he wanted to do it. Not because something else was telling him or controlling him. I know that all the time it was him. Well, mostly. I know he tried to do his best to protect me from the demon, he still does. Anyway, he proved it right now. If he wouldn't come back and didn't fight with the demon in his own body, I would be probably dead right now. "Thanks" I mumble into his neck while he's holding me in his arms. "For what?" he mumbles the question into my hair. "For saving me" I say quietly and look deeply into his eyes. He has the most beautiful eyes in the whole world. It's like I'm looking right at the sky or crystal clear lake. I feel like I could drown in them. "Well, you know, it's my duty" he says and smiles at me. I smile back at him and I feel that he's pulling me closer to him.


I don't wish to anyone that this thing will happen to them. It's like the worst thing ever. Fighting with this thing inside of me is so exhausting. Although I can't get tired, it's exhausting psychically. I'm tired of fighting with whatever it is. The only reason why I'm doing it is her. When I was trapped inside and he took control over my body, I realized one thing. I want her to be safe. And she's not safe when I'm around. There's only one thing to do. "Doll, listen" I tell her and she looks up at me. "Do you remember what I told you just few minutes before? That I love you and that I want to protect you?" I ask and she nods. "That's still true and it always will be. As long as I'm alive, which could be forever. But anyway, this may hurt for a while, but we have to say goodbye to each other" I tell her and see the tears forming in her eyes. "I want to protect you, and that's impossible when I'm around you. We never know when he's gonna take control over me and honestly, he can do basically anything to you. He can hurt you or even kill you. I would never forgive this to myself. I would never forgive to myself if you would be dead just because I couldn't protect you" I try to explain to her while the tears stream down her face. "You will go home now, and enjoy the rest of your life. You're so young and there are a lot of things you can do. Enjoy the time with your friends, with your family. Find someone, who's gonna love you as much as you really deserve" I smile at her. I lift her up on my arms and run with her to the train station. I put her down there, kiss her forehead, look for the last time in her eyes and run away.

AN: This might be an end. Thank you for reading this. :)

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