Chapter 34: Running from the Demon

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I'm looking down on her while she's laying on the floor. Why does she have to make everything complicated? Why can't she just do what I want from her? Suddenly she quickly stands up and instead of pushing her back to the floor, I catch her arm and pull her closer to me, ready to tell her something, so she will realize that she just got herself into the big trouble. But then it happens. She pressn her lips on mine and I don't know what to do. Why would she do that? Anyway, I'm really awful to her. Why would she want to kiss me? I try to figure this out in my head while our lips are moving in sync. Then I feel it. A horrible pain in my crotch and immediately I put my hands there and falling to the floor on my knees. Now I'm just thinking about this terrible pain between my legs. Nothing else can't get onto my mind right now.


Well, nothing better didn't come to my mind, so I juct kicked him to the balls. He falls to the floor with his hands on his crotch. I use this situation to run upstairs and lock myself in the room, where I was before. I know he's gonna be mad at me, but what else could I do? I will wait few hours and then I will just climb out of the window as quietly as I can and leave, hoping without him noticing me. Wish me luck.


When the pain slowly disappears and I start to realize the world around me again, I find out she's not there. I quickly stand up from the floor and listen for a while until I don't hear some sound from upstairs. In few seconds I'm standing in front of the wooden door to the room. I push the door handle down, but the door seems locked. "Fuck" I shout and hit the door with my fist. "Open the fucking door" I yell at the girl behind the door. She doesn't reply. What does she think she's doing? When she will open this fucking door or when I'll get inside the room, I'm gonna kill her. She's already dead. No one will help her. I don't know what I'll do with the body. Probably I won't care about it. Probably I will just leave it here and maybe someday someone will find it. No one will ever know I did this.


Okay, what about now? Yeah, you're a genius Octavia. What did you do? What the hell were you thinking? Did you really think that if you will kick the demon to the balls he's gonna die or what? No, of course I didn't think he's gonna die. But now, he's behind the door and it's just a matter of the time when he will somehow get inside. He's yelling at me to open the door, but... Then it hits me. Now it's the right time. He won't notice. I quickly go to the window and open it as quietly as I can. I look down and think for a second I won't survive this. My fear of hights is obvious here. I tie my hair into the ponytail and take the backpack I packed few minutes ago. I throw the backpackout of the window and then I take one last look at the door. Then I jump out of the window.


It's been few minutes and she still didn't open the door. I'm losing my patience with this girl. Who does she think she is? I'm totally done with her. I look at the door and then kick into it. Just one kick was enough to open them. But then what my surprise is, when I realize the room is empty. She's not here. Then I notice the window is open. I quickly go to it and look out of it. How long could she be gone? It's definitely just for few minutes, but she could go to any direction. What the fuck is she doing? What kind of game is she playing? She's playing with her own destiny and it doesn't have to work out really well for her.


I immediately start to run. I don't even know where I'm running, but I'm running away from him. I know that there's a chance he's going to catch me, but there's a little hope inside of me that he won't. I believe I'm gonna reach my final destination, which is exactly 62 miles away from here. I hope I'll make it to London. I have to find this supernatural boy with brown eyes and black hair. I'm pretty sure he's the only one who can help me and actually, he's the only one I trust to. Anyway, I just hope I will find some town or village where I will be able to take a bus or train. I'm not super fast or anything. I don't have any superpowers. Honestly, I wish I could see his face when he's gonna enter the empty room. I wonder if he's gonna looking for me or not.


Fuck! I have to find this little bitch sooner than she will do something pretty stupid. I'm pretty sure she won't go home, because it's obviously the first place where I would look for her. But what if she thinks I'm thinking that she didn't go there because of this, but she would go there anywhere because I will think she didn't go there, because it would be so obvious if she would? I find my own thought complicated. Well, anyway, I'll go there, just in case she would go there. But what if she won't be there? Where else she could go? Why can't I read minds? I wish I would know what her plan is. I don' have a good feeling about her runaway. It just makes things much more complicated.


Finally after about an hour and a half of running or it was more like jogging, I find a little village. Luckily there's a train station and I ask the employee about some information how to get to London from here. She gladly tells me everything what I need to know and then I buy my ticket and go to platform. I finally see the train arrives. I still have this weird feeling inside of me and I'm totally nervous. I keep looking around me if I don't see a tall blonde boy anywhere, but he's fortunately nowhere to be seen. I try to calm myself down that everything is and will be okay. The train stops and I get in. Just in the second when the door closes and the train makes its first move, I see a stray streak on the platform. When it disappears I see tall blonde boy standing there, watching the train leaves. Damn it, how could he find me? Well, he's extremly fast, but anyway. This is creepy. What if he's gonna follow the train? Or what if he's already on its roof? Octavia, girl, stop being paranoid. Just focus on your mission.

AN: Well, that's it. I think this is not one of the best parts, but whatever. I'll just hope you like it. Anyway, thank you so so so so much for amazing 4K reads. You guys rule.

AN2: I was just wondering if you want me to do this Character Ask thing. I would like to do it, but I won't if you won't ask any questions. If you have some, you actually can write it down in the comments, and I'll answer them. I don't care if there will be just 5 of them or 20 of them. I'm just, okay, so if you have a question for any character, just ask them. ;)

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