Chapter 11: Meet the Parents

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My back pressed against the wooden door, his soft lips kissing mines, his hands on my hips and my arms around his neck. We're standing in front of my house for few minutes. Well, it's about a half an hour, but whatever. Somehow, we can't say our goodbyes. Well, we did few times, but then Luke went for a goodbye kiss and it always ended up with few minutes kissing. I heard some things about true love. I never believed in anything like that. But now, all of these things are happening to me. My knees are weak, I have butterflies in my stomach, I'm barely breathing and I know I always smile like an idiot when I see him. This beautiful moment is cut off by someone, who opens the door behind me, and we fall on the floor in the hall.


When I stand up from the floor and help her stand up, I look at the person who is responsible for this. I see the man. I guess it's her father. "What the hell is this?" he asks with his voice raised. I put my hands in the pockets of my jeans and bite my bottom lip. I look at her with the corner of my eye and see that she's looking down on the ground. He's obviously waiting for any of us to say something, but we're both quiet. I know I wanted to meet her parents, but now when I see her father, I'm not sure about that anymore. "What's going on baby?" I hear woman's voice, which I assumed belongs to her mum. "Oh, honey, you didn't mention that someone is coming" she says and then she winces. "Wait, isn't that Sam's shirt?" she asks and looks at me and then at her. "It wasn't Sam's" I hear quiet voice next to me. I see how her father looks at her mum and then back at her. "Octavia Vivian Benson, did you lie to your mother?" he shouts at her. "Living room, now" he yells and push her to her mum and they disappear from my sight. "And you" he looks at me with disgusted face. "Get out of my house" he says and waits until I return behind the door sill and he walks out of the house and close the door behind him. I stand on the same place and he just carries the trash to rubbish bin. I have to do something. Like, right now. But what? Her father already hates me. I can see it in his eyes. "You're still here?" he asks when he's returning to house. "Yeah, I am. Is that a problem?" I say. "Actually, yes, it is. Stay away from my house and also from my daughter, because if not, you'll see what I'm able to do" he threatens me. "And if you will keep threatening me, you will see what I am able to do. You can't tell me what to do. You're not my father and I'm already an adult" I tell him. Yeah, I'm going to fight with him. He can't forbid me to meeting her. He smirks. "Maybe you are an adult, but my daughter isn't, so if you will touch her once more, I'll report you for sexual harassment. Is that clear?" he says. "But she will be soon. Sooner than you think and then you can't tell her what to do. She will do anything what she wants. Even meeting with me" I say and smirk. I see on his face that he's annoyed. "When she will come to you, you will send her away. You will tell her you don't want to see her ever again. Do you understand?" he asks with his eyebrow raised. "Yeah, I understand, but I have to disappoint you. I won't do this. I won't tell her what to do and I don't even want to break her heart. So, no, I won't do anything of that" I say looking right into his eyes and then it happens. My eyes flash into black for few seconds, but for long enough for him to notice that. Fuck. Why now? "Who the hell are you?" he asks and he's searching my body from my head to my toes. "I'm Luke" I say. "What's your last name, Luke?" he asks another question. "Hemmings" I answer. "There's no one in this town called Hemmings" he says. "I am" I say as calmly as I can. "So, where do you live, Luke?" he asks and put a triumphal smile on his face. "In a house, just 20 minutes from here" I answer and his smile disappears. "You must've really like her, don't you?" he asks one more question and I'm really surprised. "Unconditionally, sir" I say and he looks kind of impressed. I think he definitely didn't expect me to call him sir.


I'm sitting in the living room with my mum in an awkward silence. She tried to make a conversation with me, but I was just quiet. I don't want to imagine what could happen out there. What if my dad told or did something to him and he gets mad and it just took the control over him and he did something to my dad? Suddenly I hear the front door slams and in few seconds my dad appears in the living room. I want to start yelling at him, but then I see tall blonde guy with blue eyes behind him. I smile and I run over to him, but when I'm close enough to my dad, he stands into my way. "Not that fast young lady" he says and gives me a look. I turn around and sit back on the couch. Then my dad sits down on the couch right next to me. He indicates Luke to sit on the other armchair. "Honey?" my mum asks him and he raises his hand to shut her up. "To your room Octavia" he says and I open my mouth to say something, but I close it and leave to my room. "Close the door" my dad shouts from the living room and I do what he told me to. I press my ear on the wooden door of my room, but I can't hear anything. Damn.


"So, Luke. Tell me something about yourself" her father speaks to me. "Uhmm, I don't know. My name is Luke Hemmings. I'm 18. I'm from Australia, but me and my friends decided to move to England" I try to lie to him. He already knows I'm not British. My accent is more than obvious. "Why?" he asks. Fuck. Why? What could be the reason? "Uhmm, I don't even know why exactly. I mean, we wanted to travel at first and then somehow we just decided to stay here" good job Lucas. "I mean, we started in London and then we took a road trip and we went to the South England and then we stayed here" I add and smile nervously. I bite my lip. He nods and I know he believes me what I just said. "Why my daughter? There's a lot of other beautiful girls" he says and burns the holes into me with his eyes. "Peter" her mum whines. I know if I won't give him a proper answer I'm done. "I don't know. I think she has something special in her. Something which makes me to think about her almost every single second of the day. Well, I can't explain exactly why. I just know I like her so much, like I never liked anyone before" I say and I know I have to say something more, because what I just said is not enough for him. "You know, when I'm with her, the whole world seems different. She makes it brighter for me" I add and hope it's enough. Then he nods. "So, how long do you know each other?" he asks and I know I can't tell him the truth. If I would tell him, we just know each other for about two weeks, he's going to kill me, but what if he will ask her? "About a month? I don't know exactly. I mean if we count when I saw her for the first time in town it's about a month" I just get lost in my own word, so I don't have any idea what I just said. "And how long are you dating?" he asks and I start to flap. "For about a week?" and it's more a question than answer. He looks at his wife and frown his eyebrow. "So, how far are you in your relationship? Are you already thinking about having sex with my daughter?" he asks frankly. Is this a joke? I can't tell him I already fucked his daughter twice and right in his house. I would be dead right in the moment when I would say it. "Uhmm, just kissing. No, I'm not thinking about it yet, I think I want to take it slow" I say, but instead of looking right into his eyes I look away, and that's the biggest mistake I could do right now. He stands up and is already standing above me. He pulls me up by my shirt. When I'm standing, he slaps my face so hard that I fall down back on the armchair. He leans in closer to me and strain through his teeth "I swear, if you will ever get close to my daughter again, I'll report you for raping her." Then he pulls me up again and push me to the direction of the door. "Get out of my house and never come back again" he yells at me. I look at him and then I run out of the house.


I run out of my room when I hear my dad yelling. I just see Luke running away. I don't have any idea what happened here. I look at mum and she's sad. "Dad?" I carefully speak to him. I'm now right behind him and when he turns around, he immediately slaps my face as hard as he can. I fall to the ground. "Octavia Vivian Benson, I didn't raise you to become a slut. You're grounded for one whole month. If you will need to go somewhere, you're allowed to go there just with me or your mother. Do you understand?" he yells at me. I stand up fast and run back to my room. I slam the door behind me and then I lock the door. I don't care about he was yelling at me. I don't care he kicked out Luke out of the house. I don't care about that he grounded me. But the worst thing is, he just called me a slut. I didn't deserve this. Then I got an idea.

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