Chapter 26: Demon

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We're all sitting behind the table and this awkward silence drives me crazy. We were always talking while we were aeating, doesn't matter if it was breakfast, lunch, dinner or anything else. My mom cooked lasagne and I swear this is the first time I see Luke eating something. In few minutes he's done with his food. "It was delicious Mrs. Benson, thank you" he says and smile at my mum. "Oh, please, darling. Call me Catherine" she tells him and smiles. My dad clear his throat to let her know he definitely doesn't approve my boyfriend calling her by her first name. "What's wrong Peter?" Luke asks and smiles at my dad and suddenly my dad's face is red from anger. I look at Luke and raise my eyebrow, but he just shrugs and shakes his head. At this moment I realize something's wrong. The previous conversation between Luke and my dad definitely didn't go good like Luke said. I know he probably didn't want me to worry about it, but anyway, I feel the tension in the air between the two of them. "Will you help me with washing up honey?" my mum asks me and I nod. We usually put the dishes in the dishwasher. The only time when my mum asks me to help her wash up it's when she wants to talk to me or give my dad some space. Today I assume it's both of this. We pick up all the dishes from the table and go to the kitchen.


"Call me Peter once more and I will tear your head off of your body" he strains through his teeth right in the second they disappear in the kitchen. "Oh, come on Peter, relax" I say and smile at him. I don't know why, but I really enjoy provoking him. "I just told you something Lucas" he's shaking from all that anger and from some reason it fills me with happiness when I see him angry. "Do you really wanna fight with the demon Peter?" I ask him and I think there's not a chance he can get even more angry than he is now. "Stop calling me like that you little asshole" he tries to threaten me. But I'm not scared of him. I don't have a reason to be, he can't hurt me. "Oh, I'll tell you this before I forget it. I'll stay here for few days. You know, since I don't have where to go" I smile at him and stand up. "No you're not. You're leaving right now Lucas" he almost yells at me and when he stands up he catch my arm with his ready to throw me out of the house. With one simple move I escape from his grip and throw him against the closest wall. I quickly check if no one else is standing there and when I'm sure we're still alone I come closer to him and pull him up by his collar and press him against the wall. "Listen, Peter. You should just accept the fact your daughter is in love with me and there's nothing you can do about it" I strain through my teeth and let him go. I sit down on the couch in living room and turn the TV on.


"What is this?" my mum asks me right in the second when I put the dishes on the counter. "What is what?" I ask confusedly. "What is this" she say and draw my hair aside from my neck uncovers the hickey Luke made. "Uhmm, it's nothing" I mumble and put my hair back to cover it. "I'm pretty sure it wasn't there when I saw you last time" she states and I roll my eyes. "I hope you used the protection" she more says than asks, but her eyes are burning holes in my body. "Yeah, sure" I murmur. "Octavia? Do you want me to search all the trash in that house?" she almost shouts at me. "Okay, fine. We didn't, but we were careful, I promise" I tell her and hope it's going to calm her down. Because, let's be honest, we were everything but not careful. I swob the plates my mum wash up in the sink. "Anyway, why would you ask him to call you by your name?" I ask her and she just shrugs. "I thought that maybe, I mean, I saw him naked honey. Plus he's your boyfriend and I would say you two will be together for a long time, so I thought that, uhmm, whatever. Anyway, I'm not that old, am I?" she asks and I shake my head. "Octavia, go to living room, I need to talk to your mum" my dad orders me from behind my back. When I turn around I see his whole body is shaking. I know something happened. "Dad? What happened?" I ask him. "Okay, I'm changing my mind. Go to your room and close the door. Don't forget to take your boyfriend with you" he orders with raised voice and I put the dishcloth down on the counter and leave my parents in the kitchen. I know something really serious is happening, because my dad never calls me Octavia. Only if there's a serious problem. "Hey, let's go" I say and pull the hand of the boy who's laying on the couch. "No, I'm watching the TV" he mumbles. "We have to go to my room. Now" I say and bite my bottom lip. "Why?" he asks and looks up at me. "Because my dad said" I answer. "Are you always doing what your dad tells you?" he asks and I bite my bottom lip once again. Well, the answer is NO, of course. "Please" I beg and put on my puppy face. "No, this is not working at me, not at all doll" he says and shakes his head. "Then go fuck yourself you fucking demon" I whisper with my face few inches away from his. Then I turn around and walk to my room. I know this was the only possible way how to get him out of there. He hates when I'm swearing and he hates even more when I call him demon. For some reason he doesn't want me to say this word. In few seconds later he walks into my room and close the door behind him. "What did you just say back there?" he asks and his jaw is shaking from the all anger he keeps inside of him.

Demon || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now