Chapter 16: Night Moves

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This seems like never ending night. The time goes extremely slow. I stand up from the floor and sight. I put my hand on the door handle and bite my lip ring. I hesitate for a while, but then I push it down. I push it down really slow. I quietly open the door, walk in the room and close the door behind me. She's sleeping peacefully on the big bed in the middle of the room. I come closer to the bed, still looking at her body. I can't help myself. I quickly but quietly put my shoes off and climb through the bed to her. I lay down behind her, wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to me as close as it's possible. Her back pressed against my chest. I breathe in the smell of her skin, then I place a light kiss into her hair.


I wake up to the movement. The movement of the bed under me. I feel the person laying down behind me, then wrap the arm around my waist and pull my body closer to the chest. I already know it's him. He's the only one who would do this to me. Then I feel his lips in my hair. Maybe this will sound crazy, but I feel the love. I feel how much he loves me. I know how much he does. Now I regret how I was behaving earlier. I mean, he definitely doesn't deserve a behaviour like this after everything what he did for me and what he is still doing. I should be ashamed of myself. I turn myself in his embrace. Now we're laying with our chests pressed against each other's. I look up at his face and he rest his forehead on mine. I see the blue colour of his eyes in the moonlight. "I'm sorry" I mumble and he press his lips on mines. "It's okay" he says when he breaks the kiss.


I twinkle to the sound of slammed door. I look at the girl in my arms and her eyes are already wide open. I hear shouting from the living room. I know we're in trouble. I know she was right. We shouldn't just sneak in to someone's apartment. She stands up from the bed and when I look at her, she gives me a look, which clearly says "I told you this." I stand up from the bed too and I take her hand and we walk into the living room. I see Calum fighting with some girl. I just see her from behind, but then I catch Calum's look which says "get out of here right now." I spot the door is already open, so I assume that Ashton and Michael are already gone. I look at her and we start to walk quietly out of the apartment. When we walk out of it, we start to run downstairs. When we run out of the building, Ashton and Michael are already there. "So, what now?" Michael asks. "I don't know. Should we wait for Calum?" Ashton shrugs and asks. I know there's no point waiting for Calum. I saw his look and I know what he is up to. Then I got an idea. How could I forget about this? We could be there much sooner if I would be thinking before. "Let's go" I say and start walking with the rest of this little group following me.


I know that I was sleeping like a while ago, but I'm already tired of all of this walking. Yeah, I'm such a lazy person. I decide to slow down a little. I think I'm dehydrated. I actually didn't drink for few days. Not like I wasn't drinking anything at all, but I didn't drink as much as I should. I start to feel a little dizzy. The moment when I stop caring about where I am and just want to fall down to the ground, I feel a pair of strong arms around me. "What's up doll? Are you okay?" I hear a really familiar voice. Honestly, I start to think he doesn't even know my name, because he always calls me doll. "Sit down" he says and push me down on the bench. Few seconds later someone holds me a bottle with water. I look up and see the boy with green hair. "Thanks" I smile at him and take the bottle from his hand. "Where did you take it?" I hear Luke's voice while I'm greedily drinking the water from the bottle. "In the shop" Michael says and shrugs. "Do you feel better?" I hear voice of another person. I look at Ashton and nod. They're standing around me while I'm sitting on the bench. I know that Michael stole that bottle for me, but I don't worry about that, because he's so fast that no one could saw him. "We should go" I hear nervous voice. I realize it was Michael. I look behind me and it's almost sunrise. I nod and stand up from the bench. Luke takes my hand and we start to walk again. In 15 minutes, we arrive to another apartment building. This time someone is already walking outside it, so Luke catches the door before it can close. When everything's clear I return to place where we left Ashton and Michael. "All is clear" I tell them and turn around to walk back where I came from with two boys behind me. We walk upstairs until we stop in front of someone's door. Luke knocks on it and we wait for a while until a beautiful girl with black hair and blue ombre doesn't open it. "Bianca" Ashton squeaks like a little child and hugs the girl. I notice that he hugs her really tight. When he let her go, Michael and Luke hug her too. "Come in guys" she says and we walk in. "Luke" I hear a voice of another girl. I look to the direction where it came from, and see another girl. "Alexis" Luke says and his lips spread into the big smile. He was never smiling at me like this. Then he hurriedly goes to her and hugs her. Really tight. Then they start to talk to each other and it seems like I don't exist anymore. When I look at the place where two other boys stood before, they're gone. Also, the other girl, uhmm, what was her name? I don't even remember. Well, she's gone as well. So, I'm standing in the living room like the biggest loser in the world. I'm thinking for a second to sit down on the couch, but then I changed my mind, because nobody offered me a seat.


I'm talking to Alexis for about an hour when I realize something. "Hold on" I tell my friend and turn my head to living room. I can't see her anywhere. I run my hand through my hair and sigh. "What's wrong Luke?" Alexis asks me. "Ash! Michael!" I shout. "What?" Ashton asks when he walks out of the room with Michael and Bianca behind him. "Where is she?" I start to panic. "Where is who?" Alexis asks. I roll my eyes. I look at Michael. He just shrugs. "I don't know. I can't smell her" he says and look on the ground. "Then find her" I yell at him. He looks at me and open his mouth to say something, but Ashton was faster. "Stop yelling at him Lucas. It's not his fault" he yells at me. "I just want him to help me, that's all" I yell back at Ashton. "Well, you're into her not him. If you can't look after her, then you probably don't deserve her" he yells at me. "Do you realize how big this city is? I don't have any chance to find her by myself" I fight with him. "Then maybe it would be better for you if you would just ask nicely and not give orders to others" he yells and goes back to the room where he walked out from. He's followed by Michael, Bianca and Alexis as well. I throw myself on the couch and kick the wooden coffee table. It obviously falls apart. I fucked this up so bad. I know I did. How am I supposed to find her now?

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