Part 1: Chapter Four: Hop Luck

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It was another beautiful day in the magical, froggy world known as Amphibia. The sun in the slightly greenish-blue sky. The trees, grass, and lilypads of the marshlands were green and healthy. And a random frog was being carried away by a flock of dragonflies. "Aah! Help! Somebody help me!"

Meanwhile, on the ground, Frank was sitting with Anne as she showed Sprig and Polly her phone. The two kids were wondering why she was always on it, so she decided that it was time to show that it could do. Now she was showing the kids a video of her cat Domino. She was a small black cat with white paws, huge black eyes, white fur on her chest. At the end of her tail, she had a splotch of white.

"And this bad boy is my kitty Domino," she said, showing a video Domino clearing herself, before looking at the camera and meowing. "You guys would like her. She's got fire."

"Ooh!" Sprig awed as he took the phone from Anne and brought it closer to Polly for her to see.

"Aw, she's so tiny! I feel huge!" Yell the hyperactive tadpole.

Sprig turned to Frank and asked, "Do you have any pets, Frank?"

"Hell yeah," Frank said, pulling out his phone. He turned the phone to them and showed a picture of him holding a Lemon Beagle. "His name's Roger. He's a real Curious George."

"Hmm. I see," Sprig said after looking at Anne's cat phone for a moment. He then reached behind his back. "I will..." he suddenly pulled out a hammer. "...set them free!"

Anne quickly swiped her phone away before Sprig could bring his hammer down on it. Smashing the ground instead. "Please stop doing that," she requested sternly. Her partner chuckled a little.

But just then, Frank smelt something in the air. He sniffed the air, and after a few second, cringed when a very foul smell entered into his nostrils. Causing him to cry out in disgust. "BLAUG! The fuck!? What is that horrible stench?!"

"Ugh!" Anne cried in pain, as she covered her eyes. When she removed her hands, she revealed them to be a little bloodshot. "It's burning my eyes! Did something crawl under the house and die?"

Sprig sniffed the air, and the horrible truth hit him. "Worse, guys. Much worse. Hop Pop is cooking!"

The four kids walked back to the house, where the smell was coming from. Sprig walked ahead of them and grabbed the handle of the door.

"Brace yourselves," he said.

"Brace ourselves for what?" Anne asked as Sprig opened the door.

The moment he did, the horrible smell that had built up inside the house was immediately released into the world like a flood. Knocking Frank and Anne to the ground while Anne held onto Polly in the bucket. Sprig was sent flying after he was unable to hold onto the door any longer.

"I'm calling it: Hop Pop's cooking is capable of killing more people than cyanide," Frank said with a deadpan expression.


The kids entered the house and walked into the kitchen, where the smell was definitely coming from. Hop Pop peered into a cookbook and was preparing something unholy with only the foulest of ingredients. All while humming to himself. He chopped up some grubs and poured them into a pot of boiling grossness. He steered it up with a wooden spoon, and then took a sip of it to check the flavor.

Sprig then popped up and asked, "What's the plan this year, Hop Pop? Poison the competition?"

That just earned him a bop on the head by Hop Pop's spoon. "The plan is to win."

"Win?" Anne asked, while carrying Polly as she and Frank walked over to the old frog.

"Win what?" Frank asked as the two of them pinched their noses.

Living in a Frog World (Male OC x Anne Boonchuy)Where stories live. Discover now