Part 1, Chapter 2: The First Step

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"AAAAHHH!" Frank screamed as he sprang up in his bed. Sweating profusely, he tried to catch his breath. "I just had a horrible dream that I meant Anne and we got teleported to a crazy world of talking frogs!" He exclaimed, before claiming down. He then sighed and gained a chill smile. "Good thing it was all just a dream."

"Uh, Frank," said an all too familiar voice. Frank slowly turned his head and saw Anne sitting up on her sleeping mat. Standing next to her were Sprig, Hop Pop, and Polly.

Hop Pop croaked. "Oh..." Frank fell back on his mat. "Right."

"Hey, guys. Sleep well?" Sprig greeted them. Still his usual happy self.

"Careful, boy!" Hop Pop suddenly exclaimed, blocking his grandson with his arm. Giving Frank and Anne a wary look. "They could be hungry."

"For your guts!" Polly hopped over in her little bucket, holding a rolling pin like a weapon.

"Dude, relax. We're not gonna eat something that clearly doesn't bathe," Anne said, pointing at Hop Pop. As it was, the old frog was filthy. Dirt and whatever frogs would sweat were staining both his skin and clothing. And just to add to it, there were flies all around his head.

As the flies buzz all around his head, Hop Pop mouthed his mouth and caught one with his tongue. "Fair point," he admitted.

"See? Told you they were harmless," Sprig said.

"Hmph. Sure, she's harmless for now," Hop Pop said sarcastically as he picked up Polly's bucket. "It's him that I'm concerned about."

"What's that supposed to mean," Frank asked, a little offended.

"Just don't go doin' to use like ya' did to that mantis," Hop Pop warned the boy before walking up the stairs with Polly. But then, the tadpole hopped out of her and hopped back down a few steps to glare at Frank and Anne."

"Just give me an excuse to use old Doris here." She threatened the two while patting the rolling pin on her little flipper. Then she turned and hopped out of the room.

"I think the little one wants to kill us," Anne said.

"What was your first clue," asked Frank.

"Yup. So, you must be so excited to be trapped in another world," Sprig exclaimed, before bending back to give the two ex-friends a teasing smile. "Very jealous." However, he bent too far back and fell over. "Oh!"

Anne chuckled. "It's not all that. I miss my home and my stuff and especially..." she trailed off as she look at a photo of her friends that she tapped to one of the tree roots running through the house like a pipe. " friends."

She pulled off the picture and handed it to Sprig. Frank saw it and frowned a little. Looking away.

"Without them, I just feel kind of lost. You know?" She said, looking sad.

Frank sighed and sat back up. "I know what you mean. I miss my grandma and my family. I may have learned to survive out in the wild from my grandpa, but I never thought I would have to use that knowledge."

Sprig looked at the two humans. Feeling sorry for them, he looked away to think for a moment, before a smile came onto his face. He just had an idea. "Well, then, why don't I be both of your friends in the meantime?"




"Come on! I mean the two of you are friends, right? Who says that three's a crowd?"

Frank and Anne's eyes widened simultaneously. They glanced at one another for a quick second, before looking back at Sprig. "We're not friends," Frank said.

Living in a Frog World (Male OC x Anne Boonchuy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن