Puro's Pov: Reality.

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It's been a few hours since what happened….I still can't believe it. I kissed Lin. And…and then he kissed me. I'm still blushing. 

The breeze blows gently through our fur as we slowly walk through the now dark ruined city. The sky overhangs us Illuminated by the countless stars. It's very pretty. It's a little hard to see but we manage to get back to the block of the motel. I adjust Lin's body in my hold trying carefully to not wake him. His white-furred body is nestled against mine as he sleeps peacefully in my arms. Each soft breath he takes is felt against my chest. The trash bag of our newly collected things gently swings at my side. 

During the journey back he had gotten too tired to walk…after much convincing on my part, he finally let me carry him. He must've been comfortable to just drift off like this….

This feeling is strange. I've never thought…I would ever experience anything like this. It was just some dream at the time. I'm living in it now, right? Somehow. We ended up like this. To think that I was going to use him as a host and move on. I really do…..love him more than anything. I couldn't bear to mess this up. 

Walking past a broken-down car I manage to see the small motel that has grown to become our home. The glass windows are dimly illuminated by white light. What is that…? I decide to not pay any mind to it and make my way towards the entrance. I push open the glass doors with my shoulder gently. I hope I don't wake Lin…

It slowly swings open and closes behind me. I look down at him and see him still fast asleep. I let out a breath of relief. I guess it's time to go to be-

"Where the hell were you guys?" The harsh whisper makes me jump. I turn my head to the left and see Dr.K staring at me from the couch. His face is somewhat illuminated by what I think is a small lantern in the middle of the lobby. His eyes are full of anger.

"It's almost midnight. What possibly were you guys doing?"

That's why he's so mad….we completely forgot he was going to be here tonight….well, I did. A wave of guilt washes over me. Lin just talked to me before about thinking about others.

"Please be quieter. Lin is sleeping." 

Dr.K looks down and his gaze softens. He sighs frustratingly. 

"Put him to bed…..and….just come out here afterward. We need to talk."

I don't say anything and just turn away towards our bedroom. I hope he knows I heard him. My head hangs low as I gently set the bag of books near the door of our room. Lin's weight is starting to bear down on my arms so I eagerly set him on the bed on his back. That feels so much better….who needs a workout when I can just carry Lin! Hahaha….I am not looking forward to talking to Dr.K At all. I grab the blankets and cover Lin with them. That should keep him comfy until I get back. I turn away and walk towards the door but stop. My eyes gaze back at Lin. Really Puro? Just…just do it already. My face burns as I quickly walk back to him and lean down. 

"Goodnight Lin…..I love you." I kiss his forehead and hurriedly walk out of the room making my way through the hallway. 

My paws feel all sweaty…I didn't even know my paws could do this!  It's just a talk Puro calm down. Dr.K surely wouldn't do anything right? No…he wouldn't. Why do I still not trust him? If anything goes wrong I'll run to the bedroom and grab something to defend myself. Maybe one of the books….or that multi-tool. There was a knife in it, wasn't there? That would certainly work……stop assuming the worst Puro! If Lin trusts him…I trust him. Let's just hope that trust is well placed.

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