Lin's Pov: Confession!

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The words exited out of my mouth before I could stop them. Silence. That's all I can hear. My breathing is rushed. Heart pounding, I await Puro's answer. I was wrong wasn't I? Did I misread him? His body went tense when I asked. The former comforting position I was in is now gone. Replaced by something

A rush of anger surges through me. I'm mad. Mad at something. Puro? No. The thing I'm mad at is me. I just ruined everything. All the trust we built for each other is gone. I want to bury my face in my hands and cry. I can't do anything right! I'm weak... aren't I? Without Puro I wouldn't even have made it….

A sudden noise brings me out of it. Puro's body is shaking with laughter. His voice comes out between chuckles "Human! I mean Lin! Jeez, Puro can't do anything right! I-I think I do! I'd never been so happy until I met you! Every time I see you I can't help but smile!" 

I look up at Puro and see his face...well his mask. There's a noticeable blush on it. Even with it, he's still smiling like a little kid seeing snow for the first time. I'm breath taken. Whether it be from his confession or just him in general. Before I know it I'm being hugged tightly. The warmth from his body rushes through mine as I go wide-eyed. His fur is so soft! Giving up with the facade I hug him back not caring anymore. As long as I'm with Puro…

He continues softly "Ever since that lab Lin I've wanted to be close to you constantly. I didn't want to leave your side. I still don't want to. We escaped together despite the difficulties. Puro got everything he wanted. His dreams came true all thanks to you Lin. That's what I thought until I started thinking about it … now there's something else I want. Loneliness has been all I have known all my life. I was an outcast to the other latex after all! What Puro really wanted was a companion. Now that we're here Lin….what do you want? Would you.."

Puro takes a deep breath and quickly asks "Would you take Puro as your companion?"

I can't help but grin. Everything feels so warm and fuzzy. Without hesitation, I reply ecstatically "Of course!"  

Puro's body shoots up as he picks me up in his arms. His face is overjoyed. I've never seen him so happy! Puro is practically jumping up and down as he holds me like I'm weightless. My heart is swelling with joy as well. 

"Thank you! Thank you, Lin! Puro is so….happy!" He can't contain it anymore as he spins with me in his arms. The room blurs as his paws swing me around by the armpits. 

My body is shaking with laughter as I exclaim "I can tell Puro!"

Quickly he sets me down on my feet and steps back with a sheepish look. My head feels a little dizzy. I can't tell whether it's from my emotions or from just being twirled. 

"S-Sorry Lin! I'm just so excited! There's so much I want to do together!" His large tail is wagging like crazy behind him. I can't help but grin at his excitement. It's cute I have to admit….

As I'm about to comment on it I notice Puro's look. Are my cheeks wet? Sure enough, when I go to wipe my eyes with my wrist I feel it on my fur. Tears. Am I really crying? 

Puro asks worriedly "Lin? Are you ok? Did Puro do something wrong?"

I can't stop myself. Everything these past days has been so crazy. I realize now that I haven't even caught a break. I went from being kidnapped to falling in love. There's been no time to digest anything. Humans. Humans are gone. There's none. Everything that I once knew isn't here anymore. The lab was...terrifying. I had never felt so scared. Every little thing was out to get me. Every corridor just led to another room full of those stupid latex creatures! There was no time to think, no time to even breathe! In the end, now I'm one of them. All of that effort. For what? 

It hits me. Knowing that there was no society to come back to what kept me going? Puro. A friendly latex creature who was the only thing that offered me kindness in that god-awful place.

I look up at him. I don't try to keep it in anymore. No. I can't keep it in anymore. My eyes burn as I try to stifle my sobs. 

In a swift movement, I'm pulled into him. His arms are tight. I cry into Puro's fur burying my face into his chest. His embrace is so soft.

Puro says soothingly "'s ok to cry. You must be so overwhelmed. here for you. No matter what I always will be."

Slowly I feel his large paws rubbing my back. Puro is trying to comfort me…

For his sake, I try to explain between sniffles "I know you would Puro. It's just I-I was so scared. Every little thing I did in that lab could have led to my mind being lost. Every time I saw a vent or shadow I would just start shaking! I wasn't human to the latex….It was just something to use. Something to leech off of. They had nothing to lose while I had everything. The only time I ever even felt remotely safe...was when I was near you. Puro were the only thing that ever made me feel safe. Every little word of reassurance you gave me helped me so much. You're the only thing I have…."

His white eyes look down at me. Very slowly I feel his tail wrap around me. Even more, warmth floods through my body. 

"Lin. I am so sorry. This isn't fair to you at all. All of that wasn't for nothing though. I won't let it stand for nothing. Everything that you went through will be worth it. Without what happened….Puro would have never met you. I'd probably be reading completely unaware of what could've happened. What I say I truly mean Lin. Puro will always be here to make you feel safe because…….I love you, Lin."

My eyes widen at his declaration. With a watery smile, I reply "I love you too Puro."

I have never felt happier. Nothing can ever bring me down as long as I have my Puro with me. Did I really just think "my"? 

One in the same! (Puro x Lin)Where stories live. Discover now