Puro's Pov: Recognition.

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And…..he's asleep.

Lin is comfortably wrapped up in my tail and arms as he snoozes away peacefully. 

I can't believe he's so comfortable like this….it makes me so happy! Lin didn't even try to move away from me. He's all cuddled up in my fur! It's so...adorable! At this point, I'm just so glad for him. Just so glad….to get to be his companion. If fate is real...then this has to be the best fate for me and Lin. I can't wait for what this new life brings…..

Slowly my excitement fades and I gently set Lin on his back. My paws grip the covers as I tuck him in. I look down at the former human. He's been through so much. He deserves this rest at the least. I climb in next to him feeling the mattress cushion my weight. The small sound of Lin's breathing is calming. It's so...soft. I stare into his sleeping face….drowsiness begins to tug at my consciousness. 

It's a very slight movement but Lin stirs closer to me. His arm reaches forward and tries to grasp something that isn't there. Frowning Lin stops and buries his face in the pillow. Without thinking I wrap my arms around him and pull him close. His body feels small against mine. A rush of warmth floods through my body as I hug Lin tightly to my chest. My chin lays comfortably on top of his head. The moon shines through the windows dimly. This whole feeling is surreal. Why do I keep doing this? Is there something wrong with me? Every single time I get the chance…I just feel this urge to protect this human. Follow him wherever he goes. I have to make sure he's ok. What did Lin say earlier? What matters now is that we're together...he thinks of me as a friend. Now that I think about it...if nothing goes wrong we're going to be together forever. That book described human love, right? Could I feel it? I know I'm not human but I have my own thoughts and feelings as well. Do I love Lin? I….think I do. There's no other explanation. I can't hide from these feelings anymore. Puro needs to confront them! 

With a new goal in mind, I bury my face into Lin's head and close my eyes. I've never felt so content. I might need to start holding Lin more….it feels so great….

Silence fills the air as I awaken from sleep. The sun is glaring through the windows illuminating the bedroom. I wince from a sudden ache in my stomach. It has been almost 2 days since I ate anything. I lift my head and look down at Lin. 

He is still cuddled up into my chest. He looks so peaceful….. 

My face feels hot from the sight. I wasn't expecting him to still be sleeping. For a second I consider going back to sleep but decide against it. Besides...I want to make sure Lin is ok. I yawn and watch him sleep quietly. 

After a few minutes of calm, a quiet sigh comes from the former human. I can't help but smile as his beautiful eyes flutter open. He takes in his situation and notices me looking down at him. 

"Good morning Lin!" I exclaim with a smirk. 

He replies sleepily "Good morning Puro….."

"Did you sleep ok? I hope you weren't uncomfortable…"

Lin's eyes shoot up at me and he says with a big grin "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"

I look away feeling nervous. 

I mutter "Just making sure...I want you to be comfortable. You deserve that at least Lin."

I look back down at him and see him somehow smiling even wider as he pulls away. He sits up and turns to get off the bed. Just before hopping off, he turns to look over his shoulder. 

"You do a pretty good job at that Puro." 

My face instantly heats up at his words. I bury my face in my paws trying not to squeal from his teasing. All of my confidence is gone with just a few words!

One in the same! (Puro x Lin)Where stories live. Discover now