11- At Home

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WOW YOU GUYS! Thanks so much for all the suggestions! The winners were....... :)

@razzthekid10 with AUDREY

& @officialdawg5 with PAIGE!


-10 years later-

"Shhh," I patted Audrey on the back, gently. She burped a few times then looked up at me with her bright blue eyes. "All done ?" I smiled at her. She laughed and sucked on her fist. The windows were opened wide, and a heavy breeze flew throughout the room. Rondo, our large pit bull, sniffed at Audrey a few times. He was still getting used to having a crying and gurgling baby around. I brought her into her small pink room and set her down into her crib, where she yawned and reached for her teddy bear.

"Emily!" I heard from the front door. I quietly shut Audrey's door and headed to the door. Niall had bags of groceries, and I hastily lifted the heavy sacks into the kitchen.

I put away a few things into the fridge, and into the cupboard. A cooing noise was coming from the table. I whipped around and saw Niall holding Audrey and patting her back. She looked up at me with the same dark blue eyes as her dad. "She's hungry, Ems. So am I!" He nodded at Audrey. "That's right! We're hungry!" I chuckled and shook my head. "Now Audrey Paige, you're supposed to be asleep, and Niall James help me with these dang groceries!"

Niall slowly sludged over to the fridge. "But we're hungry, mommy!" He made puppy eyes. I swatted him away and handed him a jar of tomato sauce. "If you want to eat, first we gotta clean up this messy kitchen!"

Audrey shrieked with giggles as Niall tossed her up into the air. Then he swung her in his arms. "Rock-a-bye babyy," he mocked. "I'm tiring her," he whispered to me. I shook my head, grinning.


The evening was setting, and a dark crimson creeped throughout the sky. Dense air was settling outside, and a deep pressure seemed to sit on my shoulders. I checked the news, not expecting much, the weather was always a bit foggy and strange.

"We don't know what to expect right now, folks," the announcer said loudly. The other man sitting next to him at the round oval table then spoke. "Yes, Jim, you're right. The temperature is going up and down, and it's not looking real good out there. For now we'd advise you all to stay inside. This is the Weather Channel, bringing you updates as we go."

I clicked off the TV. Sigh. Probably just another light rain storm coming.

A flash of lighting illuminated the living room, and gave off a loud crack.

I jumped a bit at the noise. Thunder and lighting, great. Audrey will never sleep now.

It felt weird to be cooking now, the sky looking like its the middle of the night, streaked with red and gray. I shrugged it off, and went to my soup.

The phone rang loudly.

How many noises do I need in this house right now?!


"Emily! Oh thank goodness! This is Ms. Barnett!" The crackly sweet voice was easily recognized.

But this time there was a pang of sadness, and fear in the voice.

"Ms. Barnett? What's wrong?"

She gulped multiple times, and I could hear the tears rolling down her cheek.

"The bakery- Lighting! Oh Emily, I'm sorry," she choked.

The Bakery: A Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now