8- Ice Cream

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This chapter dedicated to...

@niam_direction and @nialls_candy !! Megan and Elise, I love you guys! Keep bein cool! <3


-Emily's POV-

Ouch. I looked up and saw Dr. Bruhns putting an IV into my arm. The pain was fast, and I felt myself getting sleepy. Just before I almost fell asleep, I saw Elise and Megan, my nurses, walk in. Elise was normal in size, and had longish flowing dirty blonde hair. She had the whitist teeth, which I could easily see when she always flashed me her big smile. "Emily!" Megan grinned at me and handed me a glass of water. "How are you doing?" I tried nodding, but my neck ached. Elise laughed. "Sorry, you look too good to be in a hospital," she said.

Gosh, these girls were so nice. If I was ever gonna want to go to a hospital, I'd want Megan and Elise to be with me. Megan looked over at the chairs by my bed. "Niall's asleep," Elise whispered, giggling. Megan stepped quietly over to the chair and poked the top of his head. Nothing happened. "Niall!!" She yelled in his ear. His eyes bolted open. "What?!" He jumped up. We all laughed. "God," he muttered, chuckling. I wanted to get out of my brace so badly. I couldn't sworn my leg felt alright, but my neck felt really bad.

"Emily, how you feelin?" Megan came over and patted gently on one of my bandages. I tugged against the wires and tubes and waved my hand to say 'so-so' . Elise snapped. "I know what you need." She ran out of my room and came back in a matter of seconds. She held out a small white cup. "Iiiice-creeam," she taunted me. I felt better instantly. Heck yeah, I got ice cream.


I'm really craving ice cream you have no idea. Gahhh.

Anyway. Hope you're having a good week so far. BUH BYEEE!! :D

-me xx

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