As A Family

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"This is amazing," Camilia said. There were 2 long tables filled with food facing the Ocean, and the dishes glittered in the sunset.

"Your Grandmothers helped set it up," Sophie said.

"I should thank them the next time we visit," Camilia said to herself.

"No need to, they'll be here in a few minutes," Fitz said.

A minute later, Biana, Tam, Dex, Marella, Wylie, and Linh glittered onto the shore with all their kids. 

Alven and Freya were with Biana and Tam. 

Wylie and Linh had a son named Asher who was best friends with Kenric and the same age as him. Asher was a mix of both his parents, he had light brown hair, light blue eyes, and his skin tone was darker than Linh's, but lighter than Wylie's. He was both a flasher and hydrokinetic, and manifested in the beginning of the Level 2 school year. 

Dex and Marella had 3 kids. The eldest was Lydia, she was 12 years old, and mostly took after Marella and her curly blonde hair and ice blue eyes. But she had Dex's fun, easygoing, and prankster personality. She was the main source of equipment when it came to Alven and Freya's Foxfire pranks. She had recently manifested as a froster. 

Then there were the twin sons. Marella and Dex named them Emir and Emirick, and along with having the same strawberry blonde hair, and ice blue eyes, they were also practically the same person. A bit like Mr. Forkle and his brother. Identical twins that shared the same looks and personality, easy going but also honest. They were 7 years old, a few months older than Evelyn, Sophie and Fitz's youngest daughter. They hadn't manifested yet. 

"Hi guys!" The cousins hugged each other in greeting. 

Then the grandparents showed up and were tackled by hugs from both their kids and grandkids.

"Woah," Grady said, trying to stand upright while being strangled. 

After a few more seconds of hugging, the kids let go. 

Camilia thanked her grandparents for arranging all of this, then she joined her friends who were making a water show. Asher was using his ability to lift the ocean water in different directions and adding light beneath it, making it look like a fountain. Lydia was freezing and unfreezing the tips of the water, and it looked amazing. 

5 minutes into watching this fountain, Keefe glittered onto the Shore. His ice blue circlet matched his eyes, and his blue jerkin tunic and gold pants glowed under his silver cape....And he was immediately tackled by all 9 kids yelling, "UNCLE KEEFE!!!"

They all collapsed on the beach sand, Keefe being on the very bottom. (Pretty sure this shows who the favorite uncle is)

"Alright alright, you can get up now. Keefe needs to breathe after all," Sophie said. 

Slowly the children got up, but Freya and Alven were still clinging to him and were the last ones to get off when Tam used telekesis to pull them apart.

"They should really stop being so close to you," Tam said.

"Come on Bangs boy, you know no one can resist me and my awesome hair!" Keefe said. Being a Councilor hadn't changed him one bit.

"Do I count?"

"Nope, sometimes I don't think you qualify as a sane elf," Keefe joked.

"Ok ok break it up," Biana said.

"Yea we're here to relax. And celebrate all our kids doing so well on their midterms," Sophie added.

"Yes let me guess..." Keefe said, "Cam and Kenny were at the top of their classes this year too?"

"Yup," Camilia and Kenric answered, smiling.

Camilia added, "Thank you for the linguistics pointers by the way."

"Wait what?" Sophie asked.

"No problem Cam. Oh Foster, you didn't know Cam asked me for mimicking pointers?" Keefe said, still smiling.

"No I didn't. But it does explain the excellence she showed her linguistics mentor," Sophie said.

"Sorry I didn't tell you, mom. I just wasn't sure if you'd let me practice mimicking if I did," Camilia apologized.

"Dont worry about it," Sophie said, "In fact, if you want I can get the Council to have Keefe become your mentor," Sophie suggested.

"Ok enough about Foxfire," Biana interrupted, "We can talk about that tomorrow!" Biana dragged all the adults to the table and they sat down, eating all the delicious foods.

The kids continued playing with the water, or using their abilities to impress each other.

Sophie smiled, realizing how big and amazing her family had become. And all of this would've never happened if Mr Forkle hadn't given her life. If she hadn't noticed Fitz that day in the museum. His teal eyes took her away from the past and brought her to the future.

Sophie pulled him in and kissed Fitz as they were sitting next to each other on the dinner table. This kiss felt different from what they had shared before they were married. This kiss was between 2 lovers and a married couple. Between a family.

And that's what they were now. They would face every problem the world threw at them together.

As a Family.

This book had finally come to an end. Thank you all for sticking with it. It means a lot to me knowing that the things I'm writing are actually being read by people all over the world. This story hit 2k today and I just had to keep writing. So I will be writing a sequel. It will be about how the KOTLC New Generation got their abilities, along with a few other things. I hope to update soon about the sequel. 

And here are a few things about me:

I'll be turning 15 in September of 2022

I live in the USA

I moved to the USA when I was 6 years old

I have 3 younger sisters (Making me the oldest)

[No one asked but I'm working on some concept art for the KOTLC New Generation]

See you on the next chapter/book

-Amelia Starlight

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