Chapter 159

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Chapter 159: Fish Cabin County

Lu Lin and Chen Xiao Mi went out and took a stroll on the street. The Fish Cabin county was close to the seaside, and the air was very moist, even the wind carried a fishy smell, the scenery of this county was entirely different from Sha County.

Most of the villagers in the Fish Cabin county lived by fishing. There were many people in this place, but the land was not so abundant, the ratio of landowner wasn't very high.

Lu Lin saw a lot of ships anchored off the lakes and rivers.

Many fishermen didn't own a house or any land. They lived on the boats, they even got married and had children on the boats. Due to the poor living environment, infant mortality rate was quite high.

Many fishermen wished to go ashore and settle down on land.

Lu Lin and Chen Xiao Mi went to the seafood market, Lu Lin exclaimed on seeing baskets of crabs piling up by the stalls.

Lu Lin's eyes were wide open when he saw the price sign.

"The crabs here are so cheap, two cents each! Even cheaper than buns! How strange!"

"Maybe it's because there isn't much meat in the crabs, buns are definitely more filling," Chen Xiao Mi said, "The crabs look quite big, but they are all shells. Manual workers prefer something filling."

Lu Lin retorted, "But crabs are way more tastier, I can't believe they are not being appreciated."

In modern society, steamed crabs were great gifts on New Year's Day or other festivals.

There were different methods and dressings to cook crabs in different provinces. But people in this time and space preferred buns to crabs! That sounded surreal!

"But Mi, crabs are so yummy and healthy! " Lu Lin said.

Chen Xiao Mi thought for a moment and said, "Maybe because crabs are so common in the county, people don't see them as something special."

Lu Lin thought about it and nodded. In modern society, crabs were more expensive in inland cities due to the high transportation expenses, but they were so accessible and affordable in coastal areas. It must be the same case in this time and space as well.

"If we can sell the crabs in the inland cities, I think we can make a fortune, what do you reckon?" Lu Lin narrowed his eyes.

Chen Xiao Mi shook his head, "I agree, but the reality is aquatic products are hard to store and transport."

Lu Lin thought to himself, 'Indeed! There's no fridge or cars in this time and space, it's impossible to deliver fresh fish and crabs to further areas."

"I wish I studied harder when I was in school so I can invent something called fridge."

"Fridge? What is that?" Chen Xiao Mi looked intrigued.

"Hmm, how do I put this? It's like an icebox, you put fresh food in the icebox and it can keep it fresh for days if not months."

"Is it also something from your hometown? Modern society?"

"Yes, modern society is very convenient, but other than that's it's not as great as this time and space."

Chen Xiao Mi was curious about this modern society that Lu Lin had described.


Lu Lin took a look at other stalls as well, there were so many different types of fish and clams, Lu Lin was so excited, 'These are all protein packed food, I don't need to worry about the kids might suffer malnutrition anymore!'

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