Chapter 123

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Chapter 123: The Commendation Letter

Chen Xiao Mai walked into Lu Lin's study with a worried look on his face.

Lu Lin glanced at Chen Xiao Mai and said happily, "Mai, you are here how can I help you?"

"Lin Ge, our mules are gone, all of them," said Mai with his eyes wide open.

"Oh, the mules! Recently, I can't find enough meat, so I've asked a butcher to butcher them all, "Lu Lin said with indifference.

Chen Xiao Mai asked excitedly, "Meat? When? Why? And most importantly, how come I didn't have a slice?"

Chen Xiao Mai let out a piercing shriek, giving Lu Lin a start.

The resources in Sha County were rather poor. Even if Lu Lin had money to buy meat, meat was just not available on the market.

Ji Yun An followed Chen Xiao Mai in. When he heard Lu Lin making up that story to trick Chen Xiao Mai, he could not help but shake his head, 'That is a mean joke, Mai isn't going to take it well.'

"Mai, come on now, relax, Magistrate Lu is just joking with you." With that Ji Yun An looked at Lu Lin and judged him a bit in the heart.

"Joking with me? You mean he lied to me?"

Chen Xiao Mai stared at Lu Lin with puffed up cheeks.

"The mules are rented by the villagers," Lu Lin said embarrassedly as he felt Mai's anger.

Chen Xiao Mai asked suspiciously, "Rented?"

Lu Lin nodded. "The villagers will return them in a few days."

Livestock was very valuable in this time and space, especially in a remote and backward place like the Sha County, even more expensive than humans. A mule was sold for seven or eight taels of silver, much more expensive than a maid or a servant sold by the human traffickers.

Chen Xiao Mai pouted his lips and said, "Why did you do that?"

Lu Lin rubbed Chen Xiao Mai's head and said, "The mules have been doing nothing but eating all day, they need some exercise, isn't it a good thing they can help the villagers to do some work? Plus, the villagers will work for us for free according the how many days the mules have worked for them."

Chen Xiao Mai tilted his head and nodded. "Lin Ge, you're so smart."

"I guess I'm all right."

Ji Yun An looked at Lu Lin and thought to himself, 'This magistrate is so smart, it almost borders on scheming! He has so many strategies to lure the villagers to work for him, but I guess he is right, he is helping the villagers out by renting out the mules and trolleys. I don't know should I call him cunning or smart.'


Soon the Yamen County was thronged with visitors who were here to rent 'trolleys', Chen Xiao Cai couldn't attend to them all, he came up with the idea of distributing six 'trolley' to each village. Whenever the villagers wanted to rent one, they could just go register with their Village Head, and the Village Heads would report the registration to Chen Xiao Cai.

This had expelled the villagers' misgivings, they became more active in renting 'trolleys' from their own Village Head.

For a time, villagers working with a plough could be seen everywhere.

A Village Head and an anxious-looking villager came to Chen Xiao Cai's tofu shop this day

Chen Xiao Cai glanced at them and asked, "Village Head Zhang, did something happen?"

Village Head Zhang said awkwardly, "Master Chen, one of the trolleys is broken."

Chen Xiao Cai raised his head and glanced at the anxious-looking man next to Village Head Zhang. He estimated that it was this man who had broken the trolley The man was a nervous wreck, Xiao Cai felt sorry for him.

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