Chapter 93

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Chapter 93: The Chen Clan Gathering

Chen Xiao Mi looked at Lu Lin, he puffed up his cheeks and said angrily, "You want me to lend some money to Chen Jing. No. I don't want to give him a cent."

'I have nothing to do with Chen Jing. Why do I need to help him out? I'm trying so hard to not to drop down a stone on him when he is down!'

"I heard Grandma Chen say that if you don't give him money, she will hang herself at our store." The farce in the Chen family became quite big, so the villagers liked to talk to Lu Lin when they came to deliver the embroidery products.

Chen Xiao Mi said with indifference, "If she wants to die, then die. See if I care."

Lu Lin said helplessly, "I know you don't care, as a matter of fact, neither do I. But we will be in trouble if she dies in our store."

Filial duty prevailed in this time and space. If Grandpa Chen really hanged herself in their store, others would not care about the truth and what previous grudges they had, they would accuse Chen Xiao Mi of being unfilial.

"She's just saying it. Don't I know her? In the past, when my father didn't listen to her, she would repeatedly attempt suicide. But that was all a show. Unfortunately, my father valued filial piety too much, he would just act at her beck and call even though it was at the cost of his own life."

Lu Lin rubbed his forehead and said, "You and the Chen family just have a verbal renouncement, and there is no conclusive evidence. This is an opportunity. You can ask them to write a renouncement letter. With the written letter, it will become a fact that you, Cai and Mai have nothing to do with them in the future, both parties should stay away from each other's life, they cannot harass us."

'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.' One must observe the customs of a new place. Although Lu Lin found filial duty stupid, he decided to endure it now that he couldn't change the environment.

The Sino Commercial House belonged to Chen Xiao Mi on the document, and Lu Lin had been worried that the matter would be exposed sooner or later. Once it was exposed, it would definitely cause a great disturbance.

Chen Xiao Mi thought about it and said, "100 taels is too much."

Lu Lin pouted and said, "Of course, it doesn't have to be 100 taels. If we just give them the money too easily, they will inevitably take advantage of that and ask for more. Take this opportunity to dispose of our house in the village, what do you say?"

Chen Xiao Mi frowned and asked, "Do you want to sell our house in the village?"

Lu Lin nodded, "Yeah! We don't live in the village any more, it doesn't make sense to keep an empty house."

Lu Lin had been to the village house a few times and found that there were some suspicious marks. Some people must have sneaked into their house while they were away.

"We spent a lot of money on our house! It's a pity to sell it," Chen Xiao Mi muttered.

Chen Xiao Mi blinked. He and Lu Lin had spent a lot of effort to repair the house.

Lu Lin sighed and said, "If we stay in town, someone else in the village will definitely break into our house."

Chen Shou Ren had two sons, Chen He and Chen Qu. Chen He, the elder son, seemed to have reached marriageable age.

Their village house was hotly pursued by Chen Shou Ren. He didn't make a move at the moment, but as time went by, it was possible for Chen Shou Ren to take forcible possession of the house. And there was nothing they could do, they all lived in town now, no way would they had time to deal with the Chens.

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