Chapter 109

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Chapter 109: Here Comes the Village Head

Zhang Lin Sheng looked at Zhang Da Hu with a wretched face, "Da Hu, you and some villagers checked Grandma Lu and forced her to ox-cart?"

Zhang Da Hu nodded and said smugly, "Yeah!"

Zhang Da Hu couldn't help but recall the feeling when he got 200 cents from Qin Lang, 'It was such an amazing feeling! I earned 200 cents just like that!'

No wonder rumor had it that Chen Xiao Mi was the boss of Sino Commercial House! He was so generous!

This money was too easy to earn. If Grandma Lu went to town a few times a month, he could make a decent amount of money from that. How he wished Grandma Lu could make a few more scenes!

Zhang Lin Sheng sighed and said, "Grandma Lu is not young. What if something happens to her when you guys tackle her?"

Zhang Da Hu pulled a long face, "Father, I'm not stupid. I won't do it if I'm alone! The few of us worked together when we got her. Some of us grabbed her feet and others grabbed her hands, don't worry, father, we knew what we were doling. On a serious note though, father, that Grandma Lu is hale and hearty, I don't think anyone can hurt her."

Zhang Lin Sheng glared at Zhang Da Hu. "The thing is Lu Cheng Yu is a Xiucai now. We better not offend him!"

"So what he is a Xiucai? There's nothing he can do to us," Zhang Da Hu said disdainfully.

Zhang Da Hu thought about t the Sino Commercial House and thought to himself, 'Da Hu has a point, a poor Xiucai cannot be compared with the shopkeeper of such a big store! It is said that even servants working in commercial house could eat meat from time to time, not to mention Chen Xiao Mi and Lu Lin. That couple is very influential in town now.'

Zhang Lin Sheng thought about it and said, "That's right."

"Father, 200 cents, it's enough to buy a few kilograms of meat. Chen Da Li wanted to make this money as well, but this guy was too timid. He kept sizing up the situation when Chen Xiao Mo made the offer, it was already too late for him when he finally made up his mind," Zhang Da Hu grinned when he said that, revealing his giant white teeth.

Zhang Da Hu had always been the 'gang leader' of his circle, he was a tall and strong boy, all of his friends tended to respect him as their leader.

Zhang Lin Sheng nodded and said, "That's right, there were too many people who were involved in tackling Grandma Lu. No way can the Lu family get to the bottom of it. Plus that 200 cents is indeed easy money."

Zhang Da Hu nodded then he looked a bit confused, "Father, do you think what the Lu family said is true? The Sino Commercial House really belongs to Lu Lin and Chen Xiao Mi? Lu Lin made up the whole story that there was a Big Boss in case the Lus and the Chens sponged off them?"

"Who knows, but no one has seen that Big Boss. It's really hard to say if the story is true," Zhang Lin Sheng said.

"I heard from people in the village that not only Chen Xiao Mi, but Chen Xiao Cai also bought a house in town. That Shen Chi who married Chen Xiao Cai is really a lucky Bio."

Zhang Lin Sheng thought to himself, 'Sino Commercial House has been very popular these years! There are also a lot of merchants who travel across the country to purchase products from them. Of course they had already made a fortune, buying a house in town is a piece of cake for them! Unlike us villagers, we can't afford a property in town with our lifetime savings.'


Grandma Lu'sincident had provoked much discussion among the villagers, naturally it had reached the Chen family's ears.

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