Special Chapter

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“Lena, just let me take you to the fortress,” implored Kara as she stared at Lena struggling to stay cool. National City had been experiencing higher than normal temperatures and the Central Air in Kara’s entire building had gone out.

Lena had never regretted her decision to give up her penthouse to move in with Kara until today. It had made sense at the time. She’d given up her position and shares of Luthor Corp and the penthouse was still connected to the Luthor name, which was something she wanted to distance herself from. But in this moment, she’d gladly go toe to toe with her brother's lawyers to get back in her cool apartment during this 90 degree weather.

“No, Kara. I’ll be fine. Just bring me another glass of ice water if you don’t mind.”

“Um...The ice maker is broken.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I’m sorry, Lena.”

Lena shook her head and went to lay on the bed by the only fan in the loft. It was a small fan, no bigger than a basketball, but it was the only source of air so it would have to do. Kara trailed behind her and sat by the bed wishing there was something she could do to help. They’d built a makeshift AC out of a cooler, a fan, and some ice but with the Ice Maker now broken, it was useless as well.

As Kara sat beside Lena, she racked her brain for ways to help and since Lena refused to leave the loft her options were limited.

“I’ll be right back, Lena. I’m going to go get some ice and some cold drinks.”

Lena simply nodded and waved her off, too hot for hugs or kisses. 10 minutes later Kara was back carrying a giant cooler full of ice and bottles of ice cold water. It took all of the self control Lena had in her little irish body not to jump in the cooler. Kara brought the cooler to the bed and handed Lena a bottle of water.

“Don’t drink it too fast, you don’t want to make yourself sick.”

“I know how to drink water, Kara!”

Lena knew there was more bite to her voice than there should have been, she was just so hot and it made her irritable. She knew Kara felt bad and was only trying to help, it wasn't her fault that her building’s Central Heating and Air system hadn’t been updated in several years.

“I’m sorry, Kara. You know how I get.”

“It’s ok.”

Kara’s eyes drifted away from Lena, fighting back tears. She felt so helpless. Then she saw the cooler and she got an idea.

“Take off your clothes!!”


“Take off your clothes and lay on the bed! Wait! Let me put a towel down first!”

Kara used her superspeed to grab two of the biggest towels she could find and laid them across the bed.

“Kara, it is far too hot for what I think you’re wanting to do,” said Lena, reluctantly stripping down and climbing onto the towels.

“Trust me!”

Kara grabbed a large pitcher from the kitchen and filled it with ice from the cooler before climbing on the bed beside Lena. She took a cube of ice between her fingers and began tracing lines along Lenas forehead, then her neck and down her arms. With the temperature being so high, Lena’s skin was so hot that Kara had to get a new piece of ice every few minutes.


“Keep going,” said Lena. The sensation of the ice was simultaneously cooling her off and warming her up in a very different way. Kara continued to trace the pieces of ice across Lena’s skin, paying extra attention to her pulse points to help cool her body quicker. She noticed Lena’s face getting flush and grabbed a new piece of ice, and rubbed it across her lips encouraging her to drink the water that came from the ice. It was only then that Kara noticed that Lena’s heart was racing.

“Lena? Are you ok? Your heart is racing, is this too much?”

“No, Kara,” said Lena, clearing her throat. “It’s perfect.”

“Then why...Oh...OH! You’re…”


“Do you want me to stop?”

“Don’t you dare!”

And so Kara continued to drag the frozen water across Lena’s skin, now armed with the knowledge that it was making Lena very, very horny.

I can work with this, she thought to herself as she climbed on top of Lena.

Without warning, Kara took a rather large piece of ice from the pitcher and began to trace circles around Lena’s nipple, stopping every few seconds to warm it with her tongue and then move to the other side. Once Kara was satisfied that her breasts were properly cared for, she slowly drug the ice down towards Lena’s belly button peppering her chest with warm kisses as she went.

“Still ok?”


Kara laughed to herself and continued moving lower, dragging the ice painfully slow along Lena’s inner thigh, allowing the water to drip down her legs and onto the bed below her. Kara could tell by the way that Lena was shifting below her that her efforts were needed elsewhere. It wasn’t until she reached for a fresh piece of ice that she realized that they’d used all of the ice in the pitcher. That’s when it hit her.


This whole time she’s been using ice cubes when she could have been using her tongue all along. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought of it sooner, but now that she had she wasn’t wasting any more time.

Kara got off of Lena and made her way to the foot of the bed.

“What are you, Oh!”

Grabbing a hold of Lena’s ankles, Kara pulled her quickly to the foot of the bed and knelt down to get a better view of tonight’s cuisine. She looked up into Lena’s eyes, silently asking for permission. Lena nodded enthusiastically which was all the permission Kara needed to start her meal.

She began by taking the tip of her tongue and licking slowly around the outside of Lena’s warm, wet lower lips. The taste coupled with the sounds of the woman below her made Kara want to dig in deeper and taste her even more, but she didn’t. Lena Luthor was fine dining, meant to be savored and enjoyed, not rushed through like a cheap fast food meal. After a second, then third, swipe of her tongue, Kara blew a slow stream of cool air from her mouth onto the mount of Lena’s arousal causing yet another cry of pleasure from above. She continued in this manner, going deeper each time until Lena cried out.

“Inside me! Kara, I need you inside me!”

That was all the encouragement Kara needed to plunge two fingers deep into Lena as she cooled her pleasure pearl with her tongue. After such and exquisitely slow build up, the grand finale that was Lena’s cries of ecstasy was enough to send Kara over the edge without even being touched as she continued her ministrations, not stopping until a breathless Lena cried out yet again before pushing her head away. Kara grinned with delight as she kissed her way up to Lena’s lips.

Lena rolled over onto her side, causing Kara to fall beside her, breaking their kiss.

“I never thought I'd be happy about a broken Air Conditioner during a heat wave.”

Kara laughed as she grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler for Lena. As she laid back down, they heard the sound of the AC coming back on.

“You know, Lena.  I could always warm you up with my…”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence until I’ve had at least 8 hours of sleep, you horny kryptonian!”

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