Chapter 15

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“The city council officials are urging citizens to be prepared, a heavy storm system is on its way into National City, brace yourself folks, some nasty stuff is on its way!”

Kara had her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms securely wrapped around them as her cloudy, puffy eyes were trained on the LED screen as she sat on the couch in the living room. She wasn’t really watching the program and she had tuned out the overly obnoxious weather specialist she just really needed something to fill the empty air. Lena was in the kitchen making some sort of food, she had mentioned what is was, but Kara just wasn’t paying attention, frankly she didn’t care, all she wanted to do was sit on this couch and watch the repetitious loop of top stories splay across the screen. She felt empty, and lost and destroyed, the blonde was always known for her sunny, glass half full, sunshine and rainbows disposition but she couldn’t even sense that part of herself in this current moment, all she felt was darkness and agony and anger.

It had been two days since the two had come home from the hospital after Oliver finally gave them the okay, he insisted they both spend the night there in case there were any further complications. Kara had cried herself to sleep, and Lena, bless her soul stayed up the entire night they were there, holding the angel trying to make her feel safe and loved the best she could manage, her own mangled heart and fuzzy brain still trying to process everything that had happened in such a short period. A nurse had come in later in the morning, with Oliver not far behind, he gave her a final check up, running through some things on her chart before he had a wheel chair brought in. He let the couple know that Kara would have some minor to severe cramping in the coming days as well as bleeding and fatigue from the body reacting to the trauma of having the fetus discharged.

There was no talking after that, there was just silence, and grief that hung heavy and thick in the air. Kara let Lena lift her carefully from the bed and sat her in the wheel chair before slowly making their way towards the exit, Oliver stayed with Kara while Lena went and got the car which one of the doctors helpful nurses had parked in the underground garage for her after she had all but abandoned the vehicle on the front curb of the hospital twenty-four hours earlier. The brunette got out of the car and opened the passenger side door, the two paused and stared at the rather large, dark blood stain that had dried into the fabric of the seat, Lena quickly reached in and grabbed a leather jacket that she had left in the small back seat and draped it over the stain before helping Kara into the car. The two barely said a word to each other, not out of anger, but they just were not processing things well and it was especially hard on Kara.

The angel hard practically become a cold hardened version of herself, her eyes were empty and dark, the blue that seemed to comfort Lena, and bring light to her soul were now hard steel, the silver almost completely taking over with only flecks of blue to be seen. It was unnerving to see the blonde so, cold and distant, Lena wanted nothing more than to see Kara smile and see her face light up, but it would take time, this was something that could only be healed with time. Lena stirred the pot of soup she was cooking, her eyes mindlessly watching the broth mix in circles as she tried her best to pull as much pain, and hurt from Kara through their bond, she wanted to take the brunt of everything, she could handle it, she was used to feeling broken and in pain, she live through it for so many years.

This was a different kind of pain though, one that viciously ripped through their bodies and souls like nothing she could have ever imagined, she wouldn’t wish this torture on her worst enemy, even having her wings stripped, or being nailed to a wall was a cake walk compared to what they were going through right now. Her hand braced her chest as she struggled to breathe a sob catching in her throat as she felt the full extent of her pain mixed with the intensity of Kara’s. It rattled through her body and made her feel weak, her heart ached, practically burning in her chest, but she swallowed the sob and put on a passive mask, she needed to be strong for Kara, she needed to help her in anyway she could and the only thing she could possibly think of was to try and ease her pain and take care of her.

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