Chapter 18

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Lena sat at her desk in her large L-Corp office, thick black framed glasses sitting low on her nose as she went through some schematics for a break through project that involved synthetic skin that could be used for burn victims and such, she was also working on a set of headphones for her mother after the awkward incident that had happened this morning.

Her mother had decided to stay on earth for a little while, she had Antiope fill in for her on the council and she was always a beam away if necessary. Diana found earth intriguing and fascinating, she also was not going to pass up the opportunity to spend some much-needed time with her daughter after many decades of not being in her life. Lena certainly didn’t mind, it was nice having her mother around the penthouse but that also made for some awkward encounters, so Lena wanted to make sure she would permanently disturb her mother.

Lena was exhausted and frustrated, things just weren’t lining up and coming together and it was wearing on her already thin amount of patience, there was this certain equation that she just couldn’t for the life of her figure out and she had about had it. It was late, far later than she had ever intended on staying at the office, she had a beautiful angel waiting on her at home, but she couldn’t leave just yet, she was a workaholic after all.

Most residence within the building had left hours ago, she had told her assistant to go home, there was no sense in her doing the famous head bob at her desk when she wasn’t really needed. Lena really needed to think about giving the girl a decent bonus for Christmas for putting up with such odd hours.

Every so often the security guard walking her floor would pop their head into her office and see if Lena was still okay, she would give him a small smile and a nod of her head. They must think she really had no life, but in her defence, she was just trying to change the world. A frustrated sigh left her lips as her forehead came down on her solid wood desk with a thump, she could feel a storm of a headache brewing at the base of her skull making its way up to her temples in painful stabs.

Deciding she needed to give her aching brain a break she pushed away from her desk and made her way over to her little liquor cart pouring herself a little more then two fingers of aged scotch and trudged her way across her office before plopping down onto her too white couch. Lena took a long slow sip from her glass letting the burning alcohol slide down her throat and sooth her, she let her mind wander to this morning’s events for a moment as she tilted her head back against the couch and closing her eyes.

Kara and Lena had woken refreshed that morning, they were overly giddy, they were standing flush to one another at the breakfast bar Lena’s arms wrapped around Kara’s waist as they shared a bowl of fruit. Diana had emerged from her room and padded down the hall in her silk pyjama’s and raven hair strung up in a messy bun atop her head, Lena had gotten her assistant to get her mother a full wardrobe, so she would blend in better on earth.

The elder made her way into the kitchen grabbing a mug from the cabinet and pouring herself a hefty cup of coffee before turning to face the giggling couple with a knowing look. Kara had the biggest blush creeping up her neck and flushing her cheeks as she ducked her head into the bowl of fruit, Lena tried to be as nonchalant as she could giving her mother a smile.

“Good morning Mama.”

Diana sipped at her coffee slowly lifting her eyebrow slightly, smirking into her mug.

“Good morning River Lily, Kara…” She paused for a moment, another sip of coffee. “Did you have a good night?”

Lena blushed tucking a stray hair behind her ear before leaning over and kissing the side of Kara’s head, Kara lifted her head slowly and met that stunning emerald gaze, their faces bright and hearts filled with so much love.

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