Chapter 14

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Lena jolted from her sleep sitting up in the large bed that was suddenly too hot, and too constricting, the way the sheets wrapped around her limbs felt like she was being restrained. She struggled from the clutches of the sheets and stood from the bed as she ran her fingers through her damp sweaty hair. Night after night she had a different nightmare all ending the same way, with the death of Kara and the baby, each time her death was even more brutal and even more painful. She woke up with her heart on the verge of shattering until she realized it was all a hellish nightmare and her bond was sound asleep beside her. Lena wrung her hands as she walked slowly to Kara’s side of the bed leaning in and pressing her forehead to the blonde’s temple as she closed her eyes and listened to the calming rhythm of the angel’s breathing.

The fallen angel pulled away and begun to pace as she wrung her hands again, why was her mind doing this to her? The same conclusion, different variations over and over again every night with out fail, she had watched Kara die every night and it was really beginning to wear her down. She hadn’t had a decent sleep in at least a week if not more and the dark circles under her eyes were getting harder to hide with make up as the purple stuck out against her pale skin. Lena sighed softly as she walked into her closet and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and an old sweater that was ripped by the sleeves, before she walked into the living room and to her mini bar. She leaned against the marble as she let her eyelids flutter closed for a moment as she took in a deep shaky breath. When she finally opened her eyes again she took the decanter from its place on the mini bar and poured the amber liquid into one of the crystal glasses reaching down into the mini fridge’s freezer and grabbing a couple icy cubes and letting them clink into the crystal before bringing it to her lips.

She let the burning liquid warm her throat and seemingly the rest of her body, walking out to the balcony she leaned against the glass encasing the balcony. The moon was high in the thick dark blanket of the sky, the stars faint as they twinkled, the wind was bitter and nipping against the fallen angel’s skin as it whipped against her face and through her hair. It was a colder night for the middle of August, it was the first few signs of that fall was rolling into National City. The crystal glass was brought to her lips once more tipping it back slowly as the contents slipped down her throat, letting the cool liquor calm the chaos that was raging on in her head. The back of her eyes began to sting as the threat of tears loomed, her face twisting in pain as she ducked her head pressing it against the cool metal of the balcony unable to stop the shuddering sobs that began to wrack her body. The tears poured down her cheeks leaving salty tracks in their midst’s as they dripped from her cheeks and fell to the concrete, how many times could she watch Kara die before she finally broke down.

It was so awful, sometimes the nightmares would keep her trapped unable to move while she watched Kara bleed out or scream in pain begging for Lena to help her, crying out for her to make the pain stop other times it was Lena helplessly trying to stop of bleeding or pounding her fists into the blonde’s chest trying and failing to restart her heart as the life drained from her eyes. The lifeless eyes, those were the worst, pupils dilating becoming so large they almost took over Kara’s beautiful blue eyes, and they glazed over in this terrifyingly grey colour. She couldn’t stop the ache that spread through her chest as the latest hellish images replayed in her head, she lifted her head slowly as she turned her face to the pale moonlight her emerald eyes glassy and pained as she stared into the pitch-black sky. A warm hand touched her shoulder and she jumped from the sudden contact dropping the crystal glass watching it smash into tiny pieces and spinning around to see Kara wrapped in the fleece blanket from the bed. Her face softened as she took in the worried frown that had her eyebrows pulled together.

“It’s freezing out, what are you doing out here?” Kara spoke softly as she padded around the broken glass and looked to the fallen angel.

Lena carefully stepped over the broken glass strewn against the balcony and gave the blonde a small smile that never touched her pained eyes. “I… just needed some air to clear my head. Come let’s get you back to bed.” She leaned into her bond touching icy lips to a warm cheek placing her hand against the small of her back as she walked back inside. Lena shut the large sliding glass door locking it behind her before Kara stopped dead in her tracks and brought her worried gaze to the brunette’s face.

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