Chapter 5

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Kara was awake before Lena, if it weren’t for the bedside alarm clack, she wouldn’t have known it was the middle of the afternoon. The brunette had these wicked black out shades that covered the large ceiling to floor windows spanning most of the large bedroom. She sat up in Lena’s massive bed and looked around the room, there wasn’t many pictures on the dresser or on the walls. No Knick knacks or personal effects anywhere to be seen. It was so…empty. There were a few pieces of art, one behind the bed and one on the far wall near the bathroom. Both were dark pieces, the one behind the bed was sort of terrifyingly fitting, a pale raven-haired woman perched on top a cliff side, she sat naked and huddled over on her knees her back the focus of the picture.

Menacing clouds filled the background and rain poured all around the woman. Her skin was torn as pitch black wings pierced through her back, her far wing was nearly spread out wide, blood dripped down her back and soaked the wing that was patrooding from her back. Her one arm was stretched out across her body ripping the skin beside her ribs, her other hand ripping the skin over her shoulder as her other blood covered wing tried to emerge from her back. Her hands were drenched in blood, streams of red ran on the rock behind her. Kara stared at the picture and frowned, it was too alarming she had to look away. She brought her eyes to the painting across the room, it was some sort of black and white abstract but again it was something of pure torment, it just looked grim.

She shook her head slowly and turned her attention back to the sleeping woman beside her, she rolled onto her side watched the sleeping Lena. The brunette was sprawled out on her stomach hugging her pillow against her cheek, Kara shifted a little closer to her bond brushing her lips against the muscled shoulder. Kara couldn’t even begin to understand what went through the fallen angel’s head, the wars the must rage on within her. The blonde lifted her hand and slowly traced her finger tips along the large scars on Lena’s back. She followed the mangled pattern all the way down to the small of her bond’s back then back up again.

Kara couldn’t even begin to imagine how much torment the brunette would have gone through, it brought tears to the blonde’s eyes as she leaned in and kissed over the jagged, torn skin. Lena shivered feeling feather light kisses over her back she tensed once she realized what Kara was doing. Her eyes opened when she felt Kara’s tears fall against her skin, the brunette shifted onto her side rolling on top of the blonde. Her green eyes filled with worry as she scanned the angel’s face, Kara looked up meeting her gaze.

“What’s wrong.” Lena’s voice was strained with uneasiness. Kara lifted her hand to her bonds cheek brushing her thumb against soft lips.

“I’m fine, I promise, It’s…just your… your scars.” The blonde let out a breath.

Lena frowned softly, “I’m sorry, I’ll cover them up” the fallen angel started to shift off the blonde, but Kara held the brunette over her.

“No, no, I just can’t even begin to fathom the pain you were in. It breaks my heart.” She cupped the brunette’s cheeks bringing their forehead’s together.

“It was a long time ago” Lena leaned down and stole a kiss from Kara’s lips before flopping over onto her back letting out a little huff. “Would you like some breakfast? Or err, Lunch?” The brunette sat up and swung her legs over the bed and stood. She stretched her arms high over her head letting out a little groan.

The blonde bite down against her lip as her eyes scanned her bond’s beautiful body. She was fit, now that Lena was naked from the waist up-minus the sports bra she had on-Kara could see her well toned shoulders, and chest. Her bond had the most beautiful stomach, the brunette had an impressive six pack that lead to the perfect “V” pointing down towards her hips and member. Lena’s jean shorts hung low on her hips revealing the some of her bright green coloured boxer shorts. Kara’s eyes lingered over her bond’s morning woody, she licked her lips slowly as something dark tingled in her lower belly.

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