Chapter 16

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For the first night in what felt like years Lena slept, actually slept, there were no nightmares, there was nothing to terrify her, or shake her from her slumbers, her back wasn’t seizing from the over stiff sofa or the lack of contact with Kara. She always slept better knowing Kara was beside her, and finally she was, after a night filled with watching cute animated movies and holding her bond close, Kara lead the brunette back to their large master bedroom and they crawled into bed together. That’s where they woke, wrapped in each other, legs intertwined, bodies pressed together fending off the cold seeping under the closed door from the brisk fall air, flowing in from the open balcony.

The blonde cuddled up closer into Lena, pressing her face against the space between her shoulder blades draping her arms around the brunette and pulling her into the little spoon. The fallen angel happily obliged lacing her fingers with Kara’s as she began to wake from the deep sleep she was lost in, Lena curled up bringing her knees close to her chest. The angel buried her nose against raven hair letting Lena’s beautiful scent wash over her and a wave of calm covered her body as they lay in this perfect bubble for a moment forgetting the world.

Soft fingers ran along the length of the brunette’s arm leaving a trail of goosebumps as she went, Lena stirred, a small smile tilting up the corner of her lips as she shuffled close into Kara’s arms pressing her head against the pillow her hair cascading over her face as she let out a small sigh of content. She just wanted to stay here in bed all day, stay in whatever protective shield that was wrapped around them and for a minute forget everything else. Just wrapped in each other’s arms, skin on skin like nothing could hurt them, and the world could melt away around them. Lena turned around in Kara’s arms and came face to face with the blonde goddess, her green eyes meeting those still cold silver eyes, her smile faltered but she pushed everything down deep ignoring it for a moment just wanting to enjoy the here and now.

Her hand came and cupped the blonde’s cheek running her thumb under her eyes as they lay in silence, Kara watched those searching green eyes, the beautiful emerald that she loved so much. Her lips twitched in a smile as she leaned into gentle hands, she took the soft hand and rolled off the bed pulling her bond along behind her as she padded towards the bathroom. Lena chuckled gently and flopped out of bed following Kara into the bathroom, she hesitated as she watched her bond turn the water on the beginnings of steam filling the large room, when the blonde turned to face her once again she pulled the tank top she was wearing over her head and dropped it to the floor. Her thumbs hooked into the waist band of the boxers she borrowed from Lena letting them drop to the floor, she brought her hands to Lena’s torso to help her tug off the crew neck sweater she was wearing. T

he brunette swallowed gently before pushing her own boxers down, then took Kara’s hand once more following her into the shower. They stood under the soft stream of hot water, standing a good distance apart before Kara stepped into Lena and wrapped her arms around her tightly pressing her face against the crook of her bonds neck. The fallen angel didn’t hesitate to hold on for dear life, even though they had been in this rut for a few days Lena was so touch starved, so in need of contact that it was almost like a sensory overload. Her cheek pressed against wet blonde hair as the two just stood there wrapped up in each other, Lena’s green eyes shut tightly as she willed the tears not to fall, willed her heart not to fall apart right there. She was overwhelmed by feelings and the sobs just broke from her lips, Kara blinked slightly and pulled away just enough to see the brunette’s pained look, she pulled her to the little bench in the shower and sat against it pulling Lena into her lap and wrapping her arms around her.

She looked so…destroyed, so lost, this was certainly not a side of her the blonde had ever seen or thought she would ever see. She let out a shaky breath trying not to cry herself, not to be weak in this moment because she knew how much the brunette needed her, her fingers ran through wet raven hair as she pressed her forehead to her bond’s temple whispering soft words to her, that it will be okay, and that she loved her. The fallen angel curled up into Kara gripping her hands to her chest as she cried, she had cried before, she had fallen apart the last few nights, but this was different, she was laying herself bare in front of Kara, letting her into how broken she truly was feeling.

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