Chapter 7

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The blonde had thrown on one of the silk robes over her tying it up in the front as she tried to keep up with the brunette. “Who are you? What is going on?” Kara ran up a set of stairs huffing as she took two steps at a time. Kara asked the question having some inkling of what was going on but she willed it not to be true.

Sam looked over her shoulder “My name is Samantha Arias, I’m a good friend of Lena’s” she was tense and was practically running down the hallway. The blonde continued to follow, something in her stomach beginning to twist, her nerves making her heart flutter and not in a good way. For a moment Kara was lost in thought and she nearly ran into the warrior as Sam had stopped suddenly in front of one of the doors. Sam turned around to face the blonde, her face was somber.

“Kara… You need to prepare yourself for what you are walking into.” Sam bit down against her lip then pushed open the large doors stepping aside. The blonde frowned slowly crossing her arms as she padded into the room slowly. Diana was sitting on the edge of the bed running her fingers through Lena’s hair slowly, the blonde brought her hand to cover her mouth as she came to stand on the other side of the bed. Lena was black and blue, there was not one inch of her body that wasn’t covered in bruises or cuts. One eye was swollen shut, her lips cracked, and also swollen. The blonde pulled her hand from her lips and reached down touching Lena’s cheek gently.

“Wh-What the hell happened to her.” Kara’s eyes filled with tears as she looked up at Diana.

The elder’s eyes were hooded as she held her daughters hand. “According to one of my warriors your mother did this. Nailed her to the wall…” Diana’s voice was thick with emotion, she lay her gaze on the blonde before leaning in and kissing her daughter’s forehead softly. “Being around you will help, but she’s been hurt pretty bad. Clarke will be in and out tending to her.” The elder stood from where she sat her blue eyes sad, she kissed her daughter once more before turning towards the door.

Kara looked up tears falling down her cheeks, “Elder Diana, wha-what about my mother? She…she can’t get away with this…”

The large warrior laughed humourlessly. “Oh, my dear, I assure you she will not.” She turned and walked out of the room leaving the blonde with her bond. Sam stood outside the door with a fellow warrior in which she trusted making sure no unwanted visitors came through. Kara broke down, the images of Lena’s torture flashing in her mind as she stared down at the battered and bruised woman on the bed. She crawled into the large bed and curled up next to the brunette.

“I-I’m so sorry Lena, this is all my fault…I did this to you.” She draped her arm gently over Lena’s body pressing her face into her chest. She couldn’t stop crying, her body shaking uncontrollably.

Diana was on a mission, if Alura thought she was going to get away with hurting her daughter she had another thing coming. Diana and Alura already had a rocky relationship since that fateful day of Lena’s fall, while Danvers believed that the girl should have been killed for her crimes Diana could not end her daughter’s life. Alura was not pleased when the rest of the council sided with the warrior instead of her, but Alura had always been high on herself. The elder continued her war path, still in her leather training gear her sword strapped tightly to her hip. Danvers was in her garden tending to her precious flowers when Diana stomped down the path coming up right behind her fellow elder.

“Can I help you Diana…” Alura stood slowly her face passive as she turned towards the tall warrior. The raven haired woman towered over the dirty blonde haired elder, her stature alone was intimidating to most. Diana had always been beautiful, she had caught the eyes of men and women alike, which often made many of the other angels jealous. She was strong, smart and had fought valiantly many times over. She was muscular, you could tell she trained regularly, every part of her was toned.

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