Chapter 12

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Kara lay in bed magnificently disheveled wrapped in the pure Egyptian cotton sheets that Lena insisted on buying after the blonde had moved in. A soft damp breeze was creeping into the room from the open balcony window and licked against the soft bare skin of the sleeping angel. Blue eyes flashed open and a small groan left her lips as she hugged Lena’s pillow against her warm cheek.

It was Saturday and the brunette had to spend the day at the office, there was some new technology that was rolling out in the next few days and she was checking calculations and reviewing all the scientist’s notes. The angel star fished on the bed stretching out her amazingly sore body, she hurt in all the right places from the beautiful morning sex between her and Lena. After a long moment of stretching and gathering herself, she threw her legs over the edge of the bed and pushed herself from it making her way to the bathroom.

Everything was so techy in the bathroom, Lena really did love her toys. Kara tapped the touch screen beside the large stand in glass shower turning on the many water heads. They poured down like rain, there was even fancy overhead lighting that you could change the colour of, she set the temperature before getting in.

The blonde stood under the water and closed her eyes as it poured down her body, the warm water relaxing her muscles. Things had been going so well, they had been together for a couple months now, living together and such. They hadn’t had a huge fight since the one in the kingdom, but that was different circumstances only little spats here and there. They would sit and pout, then one of them would give in, and they would have the best make-up sex in the history of make-up sex.

They had such a rocky start, so many trials and tribulations but finally here they were, undoubtably in love and addicted to one another. The two had a hard time keeping their hands off each other, they would be going at least twice a day and sometimes that wasn’t even enough. Lena always made sure that Kara was wined and dined at the finest places, they got time to really know everything there was about each other.

They went on dates to fancy restaurants, moonlit walks on the beach, one night Lena surprised Kara and took her away to Greece for a weekend. Part of Kara felt bad because her bond was spending all this money on her, but Lena always said that she was the head of a multi-billion-dollar company, and she wanted to make sure that Kara was happy.

The blonde certainly enjoyed the spontaneous trips and all that jazz, but the best nights were sitting here in the apartment cuddling on the couch talking about whatever. She didn’t need the lavish and luxury but, she knew that was one of the ways Lena expressed her affection. There was also a side of her that felt bad because she could never do the same for Lena, but the brunette always told her that Kara being in her life was more than anything she could have asked for, and more than any money in the world was worth.

They still weren’t really on talking terms with Alex and Sam, although the two tried their best to apologize. It was still very rough waters. Alex would send her sister a text every few days or so asking if she was okay. If Kara was in a particularly good mood she would respond with one or two words but not more than that. It was much harder on poor Lena, Sam was really her only close friend, the only one that was there before and after her fall.

Kara had Oliver, they would go out for lunches, or even invited him to meet Lena, and have little game nights. But the brunette didn’t have anyone like that, and it wasn’t exactly easy for her to have that sort of friend. The fallen angel was so guarded and reserved, she didn’t trust people and her social skills…well let’s just say when it came to board meetings and such she got an A+ but if she ever tried to go out and talk to people outside of that she got a D- at most.

Kara’s heart couldn’t help but squeeze for the raven-haired woman, Lena said she was fine, but the blonde knew better than that. She washed up, after using up most of the hot water and stepped out of the shower. She grabbed one of the soft towels and wrung out her hair before wiping the steam off the mirror, she stood in front of the mirror taking in her appearance. A small grin spread across her lips a blush creeping onto her skin as she traced her fingers the dark purple hickey’s that trailed down her throat and across her breasts.

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