Chapter 10

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Diana walked to one of the tables that was set up and grabbed herself a tall skinny glass filled with champagne, she smiled at some of the angels that were at the table before she made her way to the far corner where her confidants where huddled. When they spoke, it was in hushed whispers, Vision and Storm where together, sipping on their respective drinks as Diana approached.

“Hello, my dear friend’s how is your evening progressing?” She spoke softly.

Vision bowed his head gently acknowledging his fellow elder. “Lovely Diana, ringing in the summer solstice with a bang as usual.” He chuckled softly. Vision was one of the most respected and revered educators within the kingdom, he had taught most of the young ones, and trained most of the other educators, he even taught Alura when she was climbing through the system. If one were too look at it as a normal school system from earth, Vision would be the principal or the dean and Alura would be vice principal. He was so full of knowledge and experience, and he was brilliant. Storm fisted her hand to her shoulder bowing towards Diana. The raven-haired warrior mimicked her friend.

“Good evening, General, such a lovely night for the ball. How is Lena.” Storm was in the same sort of outfit as Diana, her colours were creams, with black embellishments and grey cuffs. Her white hair was spiked in her usual mohawk.

“She has finally awoken, thank you for asking.” Diana smiled softly before leaning into the two. “How are we on preparations of bringing Alura in front of the council?”

Vision’s eyebrows knitted together in a frown. “I still cannot believe her actions General, I trained Alura myself, she is of such a bright mind, I was beside myself when Storm told me of her tertiary.” He set his drink down on one of the nearby tables folding his hands behind his back.

Storm’s white eyes were vigilant as they scanned the room, her voice was not much higher then a whisper. “We have gathered a few of the other trusted elders and they are ready to proceed. Although Elder Rogue and I believe it would be good measure to have Lena and Kara testify. It would drive the final nail in Alura’s coffin is her own daughter was to testify against her.”

Diana nodded her head slowly as she scanned the room listening to her trusted friend. “Yes, you are right. I will talk to my daughter and her bond mate tonight, I will have them stay put and away from arm until we are ready.” She fisted her hand pressing it to her shoulder and bowed to her confidants. “Thank you for your support my friend’s, I am beyond thankful.”

“Of course, Diana, this is something that cannot be tolerated.” Vision spoke as he shook his head slowly. And at that they departed returning to the party, Diana scanned the room once more for her daughter, she spotted the pair outside on the balcony. Two girls were scurrying away as she approached and the two looked like they were in the middle of something. She cleared her throat gently to get their attention.

“Good evening, ladies, are you enjoying the ball?”

“Much Elder Prince! Its been an interesting last few days to say the least, so this is a welcomed relief.” Kara smiled sweetly as she held her bonds hand at her side. Lena leaned over and kissed Kara’s cheek gently as she squeezed her fingers.

“Good, I am glad to hear it.” She paused for a moment her brows knitting together. “I am sorry to put a damper on your evening girls, but I must ask something of you.”

Lena tilted her head to the side softly. “What’s going on General?” 

“We are going to proceed to take Alura in front of the council and have her tried for her crimes against you Lena. I have gathered a few of my most trusted allies within the elders and we are getting ready to proceed.” She folded her hands in front of her as she straightened her shoulders. “A few of the elders believe it would be beneficial if both of you would testify at the hearing, especially you Kara. If you are willing of course…” She trailed off her blue eyes shifted to Kara.

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