Chapter 7: Save Me

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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧ Aisha POV・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

"Can I hide with you?" He asked me. My face turned red in embarrassment. How did he find us?


"Don't worry, I didn't know either. I won't tell anyone where you are. Promise," A small, comforting smile shown on his face. I nodded my head, giving him permission to come.

.... Hyunjin....

My past feelings for him began to resurface. Not only was he the most beautiful man I've ever seen, he was so considerate of everyone's feelings. What did he mean by 'I don't know either' though? Does he mean the prank? I already figured that he didn't know about it or else he would've told them to stop. Besides, even though they hurt me by doing the prank, I don't think they told him about my crush. At least I hope they didn't.

Hyunjin sat down next to me, crossing his legs. We sat in silence on the floor of the closet. I could tell Hyunjin wanted to say something to me, but just didn't know where to start. Of course I didn't blame him, it wasn't his fault. I blocked everyone out after the incident, when I realized no one truly cared enough to tell me 'get well soon' or 'I'm here for you'; let alone set me flowers.

"Aisha..." I glanced over at him. The sound of his voice made my heart hurt a little less.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't know they did the prank. They never told me..." I nodded, trying to force a smile but royally failing.

"It's alright," I swallowed my pain, my sadness going with it.

"The others are sorry too. They all feel really bad about what happened. You don't have to forgive them, it's fine; just please know they feel really guilty for what happened,"

Was this what he was doing? Was he trying to convince me to forgive them? I could never forgive people who don't take anything seriously. Especially Felix and Jeongin. They never took anything serious, constantly making everything a joke as if the world was fun and games. Pranks aren't funny when they go that far. Why couldn't they understand that?

"Whatever," I mumbled. If this is why he was here, then I didn't want to hear it. He can save his pretty little breath on whatever he has to say next.

In one swift movement, he turned to look at me, lifting my chin to look at him. I felt so flustered that I began to blush unwillingly.

"Listen, I know you don't care about us anymore. But we miss you. I miss the old you,"

I wanted to cry. I want to scream and tell him the old me died a long time ago. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that. He knows. He must know I used to like him or else he wouldn't know the power he had over me. I'm helpless, and hopeless when it comes to Hyunjin. Do I.. still like Hyunjin? NO. We can't like him! He hurt us.

What am I thinking!? I DON'T FEEL. I can't- I shouldn't. It's bad.

The closer he got to me, the more I wanted to be near him. The more I heard him breathing, the less I wanted him to go away. This is the moment I've dreamed of since I was a sophomore. The moment I realized I'm in love with Hyunjin- this is all I wanted. You can't have everything, though. My subconscious knew this wasn't a good idea, being so close to him. But my heart, for the first time in a year, began to beat with a rhythm and passion for life. You're being naive. This is only going to hurt you.

The voice was right, this would only hurt me.

But the pain didn't phase me anymore.

I could tell he wanted to move closer to me. I know he wasn't thinking like 'just a friend' right now. The voices in my head bombarded me to stop. What should I listen to? The voices and my mind, or my heart which felt alive for the first time? The breath I had been holding in anticipation left me, making me sigh. This was too good to be true.

I moved away from him. This wasn't right. "You should go," I told him. It sounded more like the voice in my head was talking for me. He seemed disappointed. Before he even moved a muscle getting ready to leave, he pulled me closer, holding me tight.

"I can't breathe without you being right by my side. I'll die."

Those words made my heart flutter, made me feel as if I were floating on clouds. Why was he saying this now though? He's trying to use you, don't listen to him.

"Hyunjin what do you mean-"

Before he could answer, the door swung open. I forced myself out of his embrace, but I feared it was too late. They saw. Into the room entered Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin. I froze. They saw Hyunjin and I. Although we were just hugging each other, these three had a tendency of getting the wrong idea. Crap.

"Aisha...?" Felix said, his broken expression made Hyunjin look down.

"Hyunjin...?" Seungmin asked, trying to get an explanation.

Jeongin and Seungmin both looked shocked. Felix looked as if he were ready to cry.

"I see you didn't waste any time, Aisha," Felix's voice grew cold.

My old memories that Felix and I shared started to come back to me. Not once have I ever heard such fiery, such passion and anger burn in his voice. Not once has he ever made me feel like trash the way he did at the hospital; not until now at least.

"What the hell is going on?" Seungmin aggressively asked, confused and enraged.

Hyunjin opened his mouth, trying to defend; in the end nothing came out and he looked down again in shame.

Don't say anything. Let them hate you. Once they start to hate you, pushing them away will become easier. They abandoned us. Now they finally care to show up? Were they there for us in the hospital? No. Let them think what they want to think. At the end of the day, it's just us. We can't be silenced.

"NO!" My sudden release of strong emotion made everyone turn to look at me. Tears proceeded to run down my face again, as if trying to escape from the voices, just like me. "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS! GO TO HELL! I'M DONE LISTENING TO YOU! THESE DAMN VOICES! MAKE THEM STOP!!" My tears were uncontrollable now.

My voice softened, giving into the mental pain of everything. All my emotions came at me at once.


"Save me" 

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