Things People Say

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Things People Say

As I watch him put the red and white striped shirt, his favorite shirt, in his suitcase I stand in the doorway of our bedroom. He mumbles as he goes to his brown mahogany three draw dresser, near our joined blue tiled medium sized bathroom. He grabs a handful of socks, and another handful of underwear. 'It was never supposed to be this way' I think as he suddenly stops, turns ever so slowly and looks right into my glistening dark eyes. I break our eye contact after about five seconds of staring into his big hazel eyes. Not looking at him anymore I can hear him, he's walking slowly to his suitcase on the bed, he walks as if scared but of what? I didn't notice until he comes over, tilts my head up, and wipes my eyes ever so softly I was crying.

"Please, don't leave" I say, almost inaudibly.

He sighs, "Sarah, how can I stay?"

I look down at the hardwood floor, 'Out of all the stupid things'.

I look at his face. It's filled with so many unplanned emotions; betrayal, hurt, disappointment, and anguish.

"Can you do something for me before you leave?" I say meekly.

"I'm not gone yet, so anything" he says numbly.

"Kiss me? For the last time because I know this is the end so I only ask for that".

He cracks a weak smile, and leans towards me. As I plan to meet him halfway I hear a big...bark?

Instead of Shaun's lips on mine, I open my eyes to my dog, a white lab Zoe, licking my face excitedly.


"Okay, Okay" I say trying to at least sit up in my medium sized book themed bed. I scratch behind her ear and let her lick me again before I gently nudge her to the floor.

I point to the door, "Go bug Tina! Go, go on Zoe".

I stretch and look at my bedside table; I see the light flicker on my blue Blackberry Boost Mobile cell phone. It's a phone call, voice mail, and text from my best friend, Shaun. The text reading: We still on for later, sunshine? Text me soon, I have to get the stuff. I smile at the message and reply: Well yeah! Meet me in an hour at the place to set up. I chuckle, excited, it's my best girl friend Lane's sixteen birthday. 'That was a weird dream, on my best friend's birthday? Next time I won't drink coffee before bed' I thought as I jumped out of my bed...

-Inspired by "Things People Say" By: Lady Antebullum  

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