28 : different

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— omen's pov.

It's been a two years since they left me. It's been a two years since Y/N passed away.

A lot has happened, Kingdom Corporation made a new radianite collider - it was successful. The world is a slightly better place since.

The other agents are alright - some of them still work for Kingdom Corporation and some of them have put the Valorant Protocol behind them.

I've put the Valorant Protocol in my past. It's funny how i believed i needed to live to sacrifice my life, now i'm here still living.

I didn't even think i'd make it this far if i'm honest, but i glad i gave living a chance - i'm doing really great.

"Omen? You there?" I hear a voice.

It's Sage's voice. I look around to see the same orange trees, leaves falling, and it's windy. Me and Sage are sitting on a white and red checkered carpet.

"Yes? Sorry, i zoned out." I reply and give Sage a smile - Her worried expression softened as she sighed in relief.

"Are you okay? You haven't eaten yet." Sage asks. Right, we're on a picnic. "Ah, i'm sorry, Sage." I apologize and she shakes her head, "It's alright, dear." She smiles.

Me and Sage have been dating for a year.

We're seen as a happy couple, and a very healthy one. We go on dates frequently and we so happen to be on a date right now.

We're on a picnic, it's autumn - the leaves are orange, we're near a lake, this place is as beautiful as ever.

I've been here before.

"Do you not like the place?" Sage asks me and i shake my head. "I like it, it's beautiful." I smile at her and she smiles back.

It's not that i don't like it here, this place has a special place in my heart and is included in one of the core memories i have in my head.

This is the place me and Y/N had our first date.

It's been 2 years, alot has happened. Speaking of memories i so happen to have gotten back my memories, since the incident on Fracture which made my body get torn apart.

I was a scientist, i risked my life to save others.

I haven't fully gotten all of my memories, atleast not yet. - I get nightmares and headaches often, i get memories of my past but i remember really slow.

Sage's there to help and comfort me through my headaches and nightmares, she heals me mentally and physically and she does a great job supporting me.

"Oh..! Omen, why don't you try the pie? I made it myself." Sage suggests as she cuts a slice on the pie she made. She puts the slice on a plate and forks the pie.

"Here, open your mouth." She says as she attempts to feed me and leads the piece of pie into my mouth as i open it. I chew it for awhile.

"How is it?" She gives me a soft smile as she asks. "It tastes amazing, good job, sweetheart." I smile back at her and her eyes widened and she gives me the biggest smile she's given me before.

Judging from her reaction, she liked my response.

I have a nice high-paying job, i'm practically rich but not as rich as Chamber - i mean, who is as rich as Chamber?

Me and Sage are in the same house, we live together - I was planning on getting engaged with her, i haven't asked her yet, but i will soon.

On nights, where she asks me to touch her and our bodies become one, the lights are shut and my eyes are closed. Our bodies intertwine as snowflakes fall outside.

When i close my eyes, i still imagine Y/N.

I can't help it.

I don't love Sage, but i really don't have any other choice. I see them in her sometimes, i've never felt anything for Sage, ever.

I've tried, i really have - but i can't. Although, the things i say to her aren't fake, i tell her things that aren't for her - I tell her the things i want to tell you.

I give her the love i've always wanted to give to you.

When we're making love, i've slipped out a few times and said your name, i don't think Sage notices.

She doesn't notice but i think she knows i don't love her. I pretend to sleep as i hear her quiet sobs every night as she hugs her pillow to sleep.

I ignore it, if she want's to talk about it she'd confront me - she doesn't, and i don't think she will ever.

I've been forcing myself onto this perfect life, because i know this is the life you want me to have. I know you want me to be happy, that's why i kept that same smile as i watched you pass away, i didn't want you to worry.

I visit your grave sometimes when Sage's out. I tell you about my life. On your funeral, everyone was sad - but i think Viper cried the most, i don't often see her cry.

You have a way into getting into people's hearts. She misses you, alot. We go drinking often and she mentions your name alot, she has a picture of you and her in her house, i saw when i last visit.

I know you would've wanted me to get a nice wife - get some kids, have a normal life. I'm only trying to live for you, even when you're gone, you're always in my mind, in my heart.

At the end of the day, i'll always see you in her,

And i'll always prefer shortcake over pie.

And i'll always prefer shortcake over pie

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yes this chapter is short bc its a bonus chapter anywyas pls read my chamber x reader tysmnfornthe support on this fic <333

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